
March 6th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Mira & Remi
When: Tuesday between lunch and dinner
Where: Kitchen
What: Killing time
Rating: Low probably
Status: Closed/ Incomplete

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[No Subject]

Who: Dove & Sandy
Where: The Cafe
When: Today, after this
What: Dove's feeling a little disheartened.
Warnings: TBD
Status: Complete | Closed

Isolating her powers was, apparently, beyond the technology that Regiment had. )



[No Subject]

Who: Cameron Crossgrove and Open
What: Psychic bonds aren’t much fun!
When: (Backdated) March 5th
Where: Cafeteria

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[No Subject]

Who: Marshall Lawrence and JP Allen
What: A rude awakening
When: March 8th, 0600
Where: JP’s room
Rating: low/Mod? TBD

Rise and shine )