
February 2nd, 2018



[ Umbra & Void ]

Who: Nicky Ashford & Bryan Murphy
When: Friday, February 2nd; 8am
Where: Limbo: The Shooting Range
Rating/Warnings: Pretty PG
Summary: Nicky is practicing her knife throwing.

Nicky picked up each knife to examine them, spinning them in her hand expertly before placing them back on the table. )



[No Subject]

Who: Holly Page & Penny Wallace
What: Walking and Talking
When: Thursday 01 February
Where: Limbo grounds
Rating: G

The team didn't know her, they just knew of her reputation. )



[No Subject]

Who: Dove & Juniper
Where: Common area of Suite 3
When: After most people are in bed.
What: Dove's noticed the feathers, and is curious. She waits to see what unfolds.
Warnings: Pure adorableness.
Status: Complete | Closed

But she was curious and wanted to know who was leaving the feathers around randomly )