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Jul. 18th, 2010


You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare

WHO: Yako and Naoya
WHERE: Their bedroom, 208 of Niflheim
WHEN: The morning after Nightmare Day
RATING: PG, PG-13ish. It gets emotional
WARNINGS: None, except for two very tired people with screwed up sibling-relationships
SUMMARY: After mistaking each other for their respective brother, having an intensely emotional encounter and falling asleep wrapped up in drama and each other, the two roommates wake to a very...awkward conversation.

Either way I don't wanna wake up from you )

Apr. 12th, 2010


I Need a House, I Need a Room [CLOSED]

Who: Yako and Naoya
When: Picture Day, directly after Reno's party
Where: En route to and inside room 208
Rating: Shouldn't exceed PG-13, even including Naoya's personality
Warnings: Will add if necessary
Summary: Slightly cheered after Reno's lack of fear, Yako decides to make her way back to her room for the first time since trashing it during the last MD. Meanwhile, Naoya has had enough of the loud music and such and makes his way back to his room. Pity neither of the new roomies can speak.

I Need a Bed to Sleep In! )

Jan. 31st, 2009


To Socialize or Not to Socialize?

Who: Balam and Yako
When: Shortly after Balam and Yako's conversation over the comm system.
Where: Room 208, Yako's room
Rating: PG
Warnings: Zombies getting beat up by little figurines! Little figurines beating up each other, too.
Summary: Balam decides to go visit Yako like he was invited after all, unsure of what's to come. Was it a smart choice or a foolish choice, or nothing important at all? Time will tell!

Figurines blasting each other with bullets! )

[Ooc: I'll leave what the figurines are doing at the moment up to you, since it's your character's room~]