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Jul. 5th, 2009


Smile, They're Lying To You

Who: Sydonai and Dorian
When: The day after Alex's attack
Where: Syd's Shop
Rating: PG
Warnings: Perhaps graphic/disturbing conversational topics
Summary: Following Alex's attack, Dorian goes to see someone who he likes and isn't in Asgard: Sydonai. While they may not be friends, the demoness is certainly someone Poppy trusts.

Not All Victims Wear A Frown )

Jul. 2nd, 2009


Who: Kain and Sydonai [Open to everyone!]
When: July 1st, afternoon.
Where: Looking Glass Lake
Rating: Unknown. Entirely dependent on who shows up! PG for now, subject to change.
Warnings: None at the moment.
Summary: Kain, needing to stretch his legs a bit, took the short stroll to Looking Glass Lake, considering the area mostly safe from Niflheimers.

The last week had been a bit insane for the dragoon. )

Jan. 13th, 2009


Made You Up Inside My Head

Who: Sydonai, [closed to new players as of Jan 24th]
Where: Syd’s Shop of Wonders
When: January 13th through 19th
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, etc.
Summary: Here is what happened at the Shop during this week. There are deals to be made and business to be done. Irritate the demoness at your peril.

Jan. 9th, 2009


Who: Tohru and Myre
Where: Emptiness
When: Crack Malfunction day
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: Tohru decides that she and her new friend Myre should go out for shopping and tattoos.

When Good Girls Go Bad )

Dec. 16th, 2008


Some Other Beginning's End

Who: Sydonai and Dorian
Where: Emptiness, Syd's Shop of Wonders
When: Mid-December, Day after Dorian and Eileen go to Emptiness
Rating: PG
Warnings: None at the moment
Summary: Determined to make the best Christmas cards ever, Dorian ventures back to Emptiness to visit the craft shops. He finds Syd's shop at the intersection of Birch Street and Merchant Way and decides to speak with her about her wares. Curiosity ensues.

Closing Time - You Don't Have To Go Home, But You Can't Stay Here )