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Jul. 1st, 2008


Who: Kain and (Open to Asgard!)
Where: Asgard Training Grounds, outdoor dummy section.
When: The Tuesday after Henry first comes up with the idea.
Rating: Between PG and PG-13, probably.
Warnings: Sparring and training?
Summary: Kain is going to get the Asgardians into fighting shape if it kills him!

Don't talk about the fight club. )

Jun. 26th, 2008


How Many Fates Turn Around In The Overtime?

Who: L and Blythe (Feat. Alice)
Where: Asgard; Blythe and Alice's room
When: A couple days after L's latest encounter with Light
Rating: PG-13 (as of now)
Warnings: Romance. <3
Summary: Amidst his and her own plots and dramas, the two intellectuals find some time to visit with one another.

Ballerinas That Have Fins That You'll Never Find )

Jun. 24th, 2008


Who: L, Light, and Dante
Where: Niflheim, general vicinity
When: After Light dramatically attempts to end his own life in the presence of L and two kittens. Talk about tasteless!
Rating: PG-13, yo.
Warnings: I have no idea, as of yet.
Summary: L drags Light's temporally damaged ass back to Niflheim, leaving him in the protective clutches of Dante. Hopefully, he'll be well received for returning one of Niflheim's most controversial members... or, at least, hopefully the denizens of the Dark Mansion will be too effing surprised that L came back to the place after certain highly publicized events. Not to mention with the perpetrator of such events in tow.

Read more... )

Jun. 22nd, 2008


Who: L and Light
Where: Emptiness- an abandoned, old American west style saloon. There are hitching posts out front, a mechanical piano inside that plays ragtime, a cabaret stage, poker tables, a bar, the works.
When: Day after Question Day
Rating: PG-13 at present; subject to change, though we have agreed that no FUBAR content will occur! Breathe a sigh of relief, ya'll. It should be as traumatizing as "Cat Ballou" and "Oklahoma" put together. But...
Warnings: ...someone gets shot in the head.
Summary: Disregarding Metatron's plea to postpone confrontations, L meets Light in Emptiness. What follows is a tense, charged affair that one of them might not walk away from. So, pard'ners, place your bets. Will L or Light win this one?

It was completely silent, except for the scraping and scrabbling of rats behind the rickety old bar. No one had ordered firewater here in quite a long time, it seemed. )

Jun. 14th, 2008


Mistook the nods for an approval

Who: Will, L (Open!)
Where: Asgard
When: The day of the Body Switch, and the day after Henry's kidnapping
Rating: PG-13 for now, possibly R?
Warnings: Vampire-stuffs, monsters, violence and language oh my!
Summary: Will is stuck in Strix's body, and she knows a thing or two about him. She pushes Will over the edge and into her monster form, setting him loose on Asgard from a safe distance away.

Jun. 7th, 2008


Who: L and Dorian
Where: Outside Asgard
When: After L returns from messing with Light some more.
Rating: PG, for now
Summary: L is inspired to start behaving his age when a sympathetic character crosses his path. He's interested in hearing about Dorian's life, and gets a much-needed workout in helping others and editing his speech to protect fragile emotions.

After returning victorious from a very sinful outing, L was more than prepared to simply retire and recharge. )

Jun. 3rd, 2008


Who: L and Light [finished]
Where: The forest, site of the bomb (or where it used to be)
When: The morning after the party
Rating: NC-17. :/
Warnings: L is dressed strangely, a la "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." And things are quickly getting stranger. Drug use and sexual content included. Not quite FUBAR, but you've been warned, OK!?
Summary: L and Light meet again... and their motives get even more confusing and strange.

Don't Panic. )

Jun. 1st, 2008


Party like there's no tomorrow

Who: Mitchell, Dorian, the Asgardians, and a handful of Niflheimers
Where: Asgard’s ballroom
When: June 2, Monday, afternoon
Rating: PG-13 for safety (R-rated material will have to go in new threads)
Warnings: Probably some language, and awkward moments on the dance floor
Status: In Progress! Will be open for as long as it takes for players to have plenty of interaction.
Summary: Inspired by their time together in the ballroom, Mitchell and Dorian throw a party for Asgard and a few of the “nicer” members of Niflheim.
Balloons of every color filled a part of the ballroom floor, and about two-dozen floated around on the ceiling. )

May. 25th, 2008



Who: Light and L [finished]
Where: The forest near Asgard
When: When L has recovered sufficiently in body and mind, although his judgement, evidently, may still be impaired. Let's hope that Light means what he's been saying about feeling bad.
Rating: PG-13, for possible mentions of prior events and occurrences. Oh, and... recently, a bit of touch-you-touch-me that might not be for everyone.
Warnings: None, as of yet. Possibly some harsh language. And as of now, L is discovering that his impulse control is shot, and mixed with a healthy dose of Stockholm Syndrome.
Summary: L and Light see each other again, perhaps sooner after their last encounter than is advisable. Both are re-thinking their manipulative tactics (in different ways), and one is more than willing to take advantage of the other's post-encounter guilt. It is implied that L has left Asgard without informing anyone, fearing detection and intervention. He plans to either die or return unharmed, so sees no point in worrying anyone.

pulling a Mello... for crying out loud... )

May. 22nd, 2008


Frank attempts to relate, take 2...

Who: Frank and L [Open to Blythe or Alice -- we're looking for a healer]
Where: In their room.
When: Just after the thread where Frank and Henry rescued L in the forest.
Rating:PG-13, subject to change.
Warnings: none yet
Summary: Frank faces "Ryuzaki" helplessly as he waits for a healer. He doesn't know how to relate to this man, or to his own guilt at the events he failed to save him from, but he knows he has do his best. And at least, he has to take care of him until the healer gets there.

More chattering... )

May. 21st, 2008


Nada, y pues nada, y nada, y pues nada...

Who: L [open]
Where: Near Asgard in the forest
When: After Light leaves him and he's posted a fragmented journal entry. This takes place just after L's conversation with Frank.
Rating:PG-13, subject to change.
Warnings: none, for the moment.
Summary: With brief flashes of lucidity and longer lapses of uneasy hallucinations, L struggles with some dissociative amnesia as he recalls bits and pieces of what's happened to him. He looks over his last journal entry and is troubled by the disorganized and random content, as well as his sudden inability to coherently express numbers and words through writing. Hoping that Frank comes through, he sees but is not up to the task of reading the recent discussion concerning his plight.

like Dostoevsky and the firing squad. )

May. 15th, 2008


Encounter Gone Wrong...Or Very Well Dealt With..Mattering On How You Look At It

Who: Light and L
Where: Light's room
When: Once L infiltrates Niflheim
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: WHOASHIT. (aka, rape, blood play, poison play, bondage, the works...Light's sick, let's just put it at that)
Summary: Once L finally decides to visit Light's room and attempt an attack...Light is ready....

Light sat at his computer, as usual. The only difference was he'd constantly run his hand through his hair. )


Pick Your Poison...

Who: L
Where: The forest north of Asgard.
When: After leaving Dungeon's Delight
Rating: PG
Warnings: None. Just some good old-fashioned death plotting the sneaky way.
Summary: L prepares to go, alone, to Niflheim. Knowing Light's room number, he knows what he's going to attempt, and knows that he wants to do this in the most sinister way possible. Killing Light with a pin prick is almost as bad as being killed by a pen and notebook, after all.

Read more... )


Welcome to the Emptiness

Who: Jazz, L (Ryuzaki)
Where: Emptiness
When: After this but before Jazz and Strix start their little spy trip
Rating: PG-13 (at the moment)
Warning: none yet
Summary: Jazz goes out into the Emptiness to meet with Ryuzaki.

Meeting an arch-nemesis )

May. 14th, 2008


Who: Kain and L(Open)
Where: The forest north of Asgard.
When: Shortly after Kain's second fight with L.
Rating: PG, subject to change.
Warnings: Kain threatening L?
Summary: After Kain and L go at it for a second time, Kain is left feeling very pissed off and decides to blow some steam by taking a walk. And hitting things.

It was ridiculous, that he'd been so careless. )

May. 13th, 2008


The Lights and the Lizard

Who: L and Henry and Frank [Finished]
Where: Asgard, room 205
When: Very soon after his/their arrival.
Rating: PG for now
Warnings: None
Summary: L and Frank, two quiet antisocial roommates, finally actually meet. Henry shows up to help L with the strobe lights, which were giving him a bit of trouble. L is trying not to make the other guys uneasy, and maybe the effort is futile.

So... you like... lizards... )

May. 12th, 2008


Tiresias and the Middleverse

Who: L [open]
Where: A cemetery in the "Middleverse" (between life and death), awaiting Metatron
When: L's first day (May 12)
Rating: PG-ish
Warning: No warning.
Summary: L died when he was 25 at the feet of Yagami Light. Now that his rival has been given a new body and put back on earth, his own restless spirit will finally be judged. (This is basically an introductory post preceding L's arrival in CU, where he will be rooming with Frank in Asgard room 205.) This scene consists of him waking up in a sort of limbo and interacting with a NPC onetime-appearing old grave digger calling himself Tiresias... without knowing who that is, much to L's annoyance.

There's no such thing as a 'blind seer', kiddo! )

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