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July 30th, 2008

[info]luke_lawliet in [info]chaosunraveled

Whatever Souls Are Made Of...

Who: L and Blythe
When: The night before memory theatre, and then the morning of.
Where: A well-furnished, sound-proof room in the lower levels of Asgard (if this doesn't exactly exist, we can always change it, lol)
Rating: PG-13, subject to change.
Summary: L and Blythe meet, and things start to get intense physically, but it's a step the two contact-shy individuals might not be ready to take. They decide to sleep together, and wake up to Memory Theatre, a bonding experience much more intense than they'd bargained for.

Yours and Mine )

[info]blind_oracle in [info]chaosunraveled

You Cannot Run From This

Who: Kain and Blythe
When: The afternoon of Memory Theatre Day
Where: The forests outside of Asgard
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Angry, mopey people; traumatic memories
Summary: Hours after sharing memories and mending hearts with L, Blythe tries to continue her day as normally as she can. But as she's retrieving a book from the greenhouse, she 'sees' Kain going to the woods. Concerned about her friend, she follows. Kain is none too happy about this.
*Blythe has received Third Thread Permission (The other two being L/Blythe and the upcoming Kidnapping Thread) from the Mod

I'd like to set fire to Memory Lane )

[info]franksunderland in [info]chaosunraveled

Why too much alcohol is a bad idea...

Who: Frank and [OPEN] (Anyone who would like to volunteer to console Frank is welcome, but I'm warning you that he isn't his usual self.)
When: Around noon on memory theater day
Where: His room
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Drunkenness, swearing.

Feeling no pain... )

[info]yagami_light in [info]chaosunraveled

The Last In A Line Of Lasts((Finished))

Who: Light and L
When: The day of Memory Theatre
Where: In the forest just outside Asgard.
Rating: PG-13, subject to change.
Summary: Light tries to escape Niflheim and get away for the day to avoid his memories being seen by any enemies. Too bad his worst enemy is nearby the area he ends up at.

Enough people had brought up his past memories already. Enough was enough. )

[info]strix in [info]chaosunraveled

Breathing Fire

Who: Balam, Strix
When: The day of Memory Theatre
Where: Niflheim, Room 207
Rating: PG-13 (language), subject to change.
Summary: Balam freaks out over the comm. system, and Strix is concerned enough over it to try to calm him down in person.

Burn, baby, burn... )