Jan. 29th, 2012


Arizona, on the Mexican border ~ Dagger (open)

As soon as her stitches were out they'd been back to their mission, ghosting along in the wake of a particularly vicious slave train. They'd taken away several chains worth of slaves, transporting them to safety, to freedom, and yet the train hadn't foundered. They slavers hadn't died or drifted apart.

That was a disturbing trend. NO slaver ring had ever followed that pattern again.

It was frustrating.

And scary.

And it meant that they had to follow and keep trying. They had to watch as the train crossed into Mexico with new slaves, gleaned from small towns they hadn't managed to warn, or free afterward. That tore it. They needed a base of operation, some place to watch the main routes from, a place to hole up and recover at while they worked on this newest, terrifying ring.

The old church high on a hill, an old Spanish mission, left on a twisted rise of line after a Chaos Storm was a literal Godsend. "It's perfect..." Dagger grinned, stepping from the folds of Ty's cloak to peer up at the arched rafters.