Nov. 5th, 2011


Just outside Chicago ~ Clarice (open)

Clarice had been humming and singing to herself for at least a few miles now, and it was because they were close to Chicago. It made her horse (Which TJ was riding) lift her clawed feet and prance a bit. What, the fanged little beauty liked to dance! "Five more miles my loves!" Chicago had been a 'non-teleport' zone the moment they started seeing the storm clouds on the horizon.

No need to toss folk around on random teleports today after all.

"Do we need a lunch break now or after we arrive?"

Aug. 3rd, 2011


Open - The Caravan

TJ was having a good night. It was warm, her fur was ruffling in the wind, someone else had the kids. Honestly, what more could a person ask? She'd heard rumours about disappearances in the Kentucky area but that was all they were; nobody had asked her or Clarice to do anything and she was just fine with the downtime.

It was really good to get to spend time with the family. Mr. Creed had been through briefly in the middle of the night, and she'd had a chance to catch up with him before he went on another mysterious mission. Soon enough another job for the sisters would come up and they'd drag poor Havelock along into trouble again.

For now? Fuzzy blue Water settled on a large rock next to a small river, brushing her fur.

Mar. 12th, 2011


Some box canyon in CA ~ Aya (open)

Aya Brea hissed and stripped out of her jacket. The poor thing was covered in slime and who knew what else after the day she'd had (and her horse kept trying to lick it, that was weird). "Some days Lunkhead, you disturb me." She informed the lightning mane. Luckily she'd found this little box canyon to camp in for the night. She liked having walls around her when she was taking her coat off.

Walls and her guns at hand.

Guns which also needed cleaning.

"Salamanders. Goo spitting, million tailed salamanders. Well, at least you're fed." She snorted and kicked her horses nose away from her jacket again. No useful salvage from the nasty things, even the meat was inedible by human standards. Pity. There'd been a lot of them.

No time like the present to start cleaning. The coat would have to boiled over a fire or something to get all the goo off. Luckily there was some storm wrack to burn. All told it was a cozy, if weird smelling, little campsite within an hour or so.

Dec. 28th, 2010


Jones - Wheelsy

Sometimes, you just need a vacation. Sometimes, though, you get caught up in the middle of a band of religious fundamentalists, lose most of your merch, and break your arm before fleeing your usual haunts and making off to parts unknown. The first thing Jones did, once she was far enough from the coast that she couldn't smell salt, was beg help off a Water adept to heal up her arm. With that accomplished she moved on via teleporter to a little place that one of her contacts said might could use her skills.

The place didn't look like much to Jones, not compared to the seedy glory of New Orleans, but she didn't mind. Much. As soon as things calmed down she'd bee out of here, anyway, and small and peaceful was what she needed right now.

The only thing she needed as a place to stay.

Oct. 17th, 2010


Bill Pardy- Wheelsy

It's been one heck of a long day and Bill comes into his kitchen looking for something to drink and a quick bite to eat before he settles in for the evening.

Things have been going okay in town, but sometimes the job just gets tiring.

Sep. 4th, 2010


TJ & Havelock - Near Medicine Lake, Montana

The girls and Havelock have been wandering around without much goal for a while, now. They'll stop at this town or that city and engage in a bit of trade, some healing, whatever they need to do in order to make sure that this place isn't going to burn two of the three of them at the stake, or make life harder on the third one.

Medicine Lake is, unsurprisingly, a lake with a small trapping town near it. Herds of wild gillydeer and fur flounder bask under and around it, and it's a popular destination for people more likely to trust water than water Masters and Aligned. The water itself, perhaps due to the plants that grow under it, perhaps just as a quirk brought on by the Solution itself, is good for mild pain relief and antiseptic properties.

Whenever they're in the area TJ likes to stop there in order to pick up a load of it for her own personal use as well as to trade and sell if needed. Clarice has contacts amongst the trappers and fishers to trade grains for meats, and while she does that TJ offers her services for whatever ills the people of Medicine Lake have to admit that the water of their home just isn't up to.

This time she dragged Havelock with her, thanks to an outbreak of a fairly nasty illness hitting the local human population like an angry gator.

It's while in the house set up as temporary sick-ward that she says, "So. About that letter Clarice got yesterday..."

Aug. 3rd, 2010


open - on the road travelling south from Montana

Havelock whistles a low tune as he walks down an old road in need of repair. His overcoat is buttoned up against the elements and the hood covering his face. He's hoping for someone going his way to come by, but he hasn't seen anyone in days. The last group he came across had been some crazy folk coming out from the West, and he could only take so much pointing and paranoia before excusing himself and going on his way.

He lifts his head to glance at the sky. Still a couple of hours left until dark; he could keep walking.