April 24th, 2012

[info]chaos_twisted in [info]chaos_precip

Mammoth Caves - Showdown

It was to be a special night. One of the sacrifice nights, where they all gathered in the caves and came together in order to celebrate the removal of one more demon from the world. Julie hadn't told L what was to happen, she simply fluttered around more cheerfully than usual. All those entering the caves had an air of celebration, of festivity. They trickled in from the surrounding town, the farms, smiling and chatting as though on their way to a party.

Tillden was in the cave above the womb room, standing at the alter and smiling benevolently at his congregation as they filtered in and took their places. Julie hustled L to a spot near the middle, patting his shoulder and arm repeatedly, "I told you that he would like you." she murmured, "You should be honoured, we do not add to the true congregation that often."