Feb. 12th, 2012


Fic - Arebah meeting Hanish Na

"So I pointed out that his brief, law briefs Vicky, were all out of order and he wasn't at all prepared for trial! It means I'm going to have to stay up late helping, but extra money and extra notice? Not bad!" Arebah made a wild gesture with her hands, and then froze as the hand holding her coffee stopped before the end of the gesture. Chartreuse eyes traced down her own arm and up again, to the shocked expression on the Alnat Clan Katzu's face. Her coffee was all over his chest and neck.

He was, she thought in the part of her mind not freaking out, quite handsome. She'd never seen any Alnat in person, a white Katzu was...exotic. And red hair! She'd never seen a red-headed Katzu, either. "I...am so...so, so sorry." she mumbled, the tips of her ears feeling hot as a stove, and she watched his freckles move as shocked went to smiling. He was a little shorter than she was, but Alnat was shorter than Dahnil in general so that wasn't a surprise.

"You can make it up to me." he suggested in a voice that was surprisingly deep and booming, "Lunch, tomorrow, the hot-dog place outside the precinct. You're buying." She nodded, struck dumb for a moment. He headed off, and she called after, "Wait..." making him turn around, grin again, and say; "Detective Hanish Na."

Arebah kept watching his (tight, hard) ass until her friend Vicky smacked her on the shoulder, "Down, girl. We've got places to be."
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Oct. 2nd, 2011


Devil at the Crossroads ~ A crossroads outside a Florida port city (open)

Remy shifted his hat forward against the afternoon sun and set his boot a little more firmly on his pack. The boating hope simply hadn't panned out. That left him in a bit of a quandary. He could abscond with one of the Guild Space boys, but that might irk his father, and besides, where was the fun in making his trip away from home quick? A boy needed to stretch his legs sometimes.

The boats for the season had dried up though, and that meant walking...or better finding a ride. He was just waiting for the right one. No wagon with children, it wasn't a hunt for youngers he was headed on. No, a nice ride though, something to keep the rain off, and hopefully a driver with a sense of humor and the tendency toward a bit of road kindness. Until that particular ride happened by, well, he was playing the cards over his fingers, keeping his hands limber and his smile on.

Aug. 1st, 2011


Somewhere near Oklahoma ~ Batou, Remy, and Arebah

Batou shook his head, clearing the last fuzziness of the teleport from his head. He wasn't a Space, he didn't like the whole 'moving against physics' kinda thing unless it was under his own power. "Alright kid, we're here. You sure you're okay with this? No last minute nerves or anything? I gotta warn you, I haven't done the dad thing before so I could really screw it up somehow..."

He wasn't joking. If Remy was at all uncomfortable they'd hop a Space back and thank Arebah for her time!

Mar. 10th, 2011


Near the southern border of North Carolina, Open

She held her hands out and stared at the pile of letters in them until they slipped away to their destination. Several to her son's charges, one to her son, and one to her son's boss. It was a little ritual she did the day after she sent a letter to her daughter. It only bothered her that they couldn't send things straight back, so she tried to keep the timing exact so that she could pick up anything waiting for her in return.

The horses attached to her trailer cropped absently at the brush around them, although they fit the modern definition of horses they were more of a goat/lizard hybrid and she adored every scale on their lanky bodies. Long lived, able to eat anything that wandered into their mouths, and yet too laid back to go hunting. When she brought something down, she just made sure to give them the offal and some of the meat and they were content with that.

Arebah kicked back, letting the sun hit her face as she waited until time to check her message places for anything clients or family left for her. Many of the towns around the South called her in for contract writing and she pretty much planned her yearly itinerary around those towns and the yearly hibernation. This past year she'd spent it with her daughter.