September 16th, 2011

[info]resonant_eve in [info]chaos_precip

Games gone wild (Open to anyone near Larxenes homebase)

“Oh… no…” A small voice lamented from behind a odd mix of paint and feather, sighing as the person it belonged to began the short but fateful journey across the street to the towering structure she called home.

Yes, truth or dare, so Eve had discovered, usually meant business; especially in her little slice of heaven. This was a place where children placing apples on their heads had to be careful fellow adepts didn’t nail them to a wall with an icicle. Where hide and seek meant endless hunting, thanks to the very last lucky little space bender who wanted to be smart. And anything more complicated or ‘dangerous’ than that, would almost certainly get you a good tongue lashing from any one of the adults who didn’t want to see you ‘hurt’.

But that didn’t stop friends from being friends, or Eve and her other truth-or-darers from playing such a game. Nope. Already, one of the younger boys had been buried up to his neck in muck, seven giggle worthy truths spilled out into open air, as well as some not-so-truths. An older girl ended up storming back to her room, hair singed for the second time in just under an hour. Only the true players were left then.

“Why did I have to do it with my eyes closed?” Eve, who had so far remained the quiet and docile one in the group complained ever more, trying not to watch her giggly gaggle of friends as from afar.

They had dared her to walk all the way around the building without using her eyes. Along the way she’d so far managed to trip over someones bicycle , find herself covered in paint from a makeshift scaffold over head, and thanks one cheeky space bender, covered in two pillows worth of goose feathers.

“Great...” This wasn’t shaping up as the best idea she'd ever had. Looking like a chicken and all.
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