June 30th, 2011

[info]noteasytobepink in [info]chaos_precip

Slug-free beaches ~ Nags Head, NC (open)

The slugs in Shibuya had been handled. That meant EVERYONE had earned some down time.

Nags Head had been a resort town prior to The Solution, and now it had returned to it's roots. Yes, it was a harsh world they lived in, but everyone still needed a place they could go to relax. A place with sunny beaches and waters guaranteed safe for two miles off the coast. The bungalows on the sands were excellent places for a bit of resting and recovering, and the food was certain better than campfire fare.

Clarice and every other Space had happily put in the extra time it took to get the slug-teams to the sandy, sunny haven. By the end of the multiple hops most of the Spaces had collapsed into the sands, sound asleep, but that was alright. They had days to recover before having to get people home! The pink-skinned teleporter herself hadn't collapsed, but she'd wanted to. Instead she'd made sure everyone who wanted to be there had a place to stay the night and food handy for when they woke up (someone had to be vaguely organized!). Hopefully it was a good start on the 'Thank You for Killing Slugs' bit.

[info]dagger_dancer in [info]chaos_precip

Letter to TJ

The letter looks battered, the once cream envelope smudged and creased, evidence of many stops along the way. The outside simply reads 'TJ of the Organization'

Ms. TJ,

I'm very sorry to be contacting you without a formal introduction, but my partner Cloak mentioned you to me. He smiled when he spoke of you, which is a high recommendation as to your good nature. I do not want to impose upon you but I do find myself in need of a healer with a good nature, as the town we have been resting in has gotten...darker than I care for.

The town we are staying in is called 'Hope' in Arkansas, but it's rather far from the truth I think. Many of the better people we met upon our arrival are no longer alive, or in residence, and that does not set me at ease. It may seem paranoid but I'm not entirely trustful of the healers here. If it is not too much trouble would you mind if Cloak and I came to meet you?

I look forward to your reply,