March 28th, 2011

[info]callmejones in [info]chaos_precip

Remy LaBou & Jones: A coastal town in Northeast Florida

Jones settled down in front of the little cafe on a stone picnic table so pockmarked that she guessed it was from before the Solution. She set her bags - paper, oilcloth, leather - down on the table and leaned back with a happy little sigh. Shopping for a long voyage took a lot out of a girl, but she couldn't deny that she enjoyed the planning as much as the sailing. It felt good to be by the ocean with the salt in her hair. It also flt good to be wearing freshly-made trousers on the Theive's Guilds' dollar, but that was neither here nor there.

She drops a few coins on the table in front of the waitress to get herself a bowl of 'Gator gumbo and whatever passed for beer in this part of the world. She watched the street while she waited for Remy to meet up with her after he finished making his own purchases.