Dec. 24th, 2010


PotC drabble: The Way to a Man's Heart [Elizabeth/(Will) + Jack, general]

Title: The Way to a Man's Heart
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: PotC
Pairing: Elizabeth/[Will], plus Jack
Rating: general
Length: 200 words
Summary: Jack has a suggestion for Elizabeth, about Will.
Note: For [info]geek_mama_2, who wanted Jack, Will/Elizabeth, prompt "Christmas Pudding".

The Way to a Man's Heart )

Dec. 12th, 2009


PotC drabble: Truth and Lies [Elizabeth/Jack/Will, general]

Title: Truth and Lies
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: PotC
Pairing: Elizabeth/Jack/Will
Rating: general
Length: 150 words
Summary: Why lie when the truth can serve as well or better?
Note: For [info]fabu, who wanted Jack/Will/Elizabeth, "smoke and mirrors."

Truth and Lies )

Dec. 4th, 2008


PotC drabble: Bonds [Elizabeth/Jack/Will, general]

Title: Bonds
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: PotC
Pairing: Elizabeth/Jack/Will
Rating: general
Summary: The connection between them may be inexplicable, but it's real.
Note: For [info]penknife who wanted Jack/Will/Elizabeth, knots.

Bonds )

Nov. 6th, 2008


PotC drabble: Sauce for the Gander [Elizabeth/Jack/Will, general]

Title: Sauce for the Gander
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: PotC
Pairing: Will/Jack/Elizabeth
Rating: general
Warnings: naughty words
Summary: Jack proposes a compromise.
Note: For [info]tacky_tramp, who wanted any PotC threesome, prompt "jealousy."

Sauce for the Gander )

Dec. 18th, 2007


PotC drabble: Open Hearts [Jack/Will/Elizabeth, general]

Title: Open Hearts
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: PotC
Pairing: Jack/Will/Elizabeth
Rating: general
Summary: Will's trust in Elizabeth is repaid.
Note: Drabble written for [info]fabu for holiday 2007.

Open Hearts )

Aug. 8th, 2007


PotC drabbles

I haven't written quite as many PotC drabbles as I have LotR and HP, but still a goodly number. As a result I am going to simply link to the general-rated ones as archived at Wellinghall. Because of the way that security for adult stories works there, I can't link to the adult-rated drabbles directly, but will instead post them below (het, slash, and poly all represented).

PotC drabbles with general rating -- some of these are genfic, some het, some poly, some slash, and they include a variety of characters

PotC drabbles with adult rating )

June 2018




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