Aug. 13th, 2008


HP fic: Prospects [Percy/Harry, Harry/Ginny, Percy/Neville, adult]

Title: Prospects
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairings: Percy/Harry, Harry/Ginny, Percy/Neville; also implied Neville/Luna and Hermione/Ron
Rating: adult
Warnings: Explicit M/M sex (including first time), not-very-explicit M/F sex.
Summary: Percy thinks he's found happiness with Harry, but love doesn't always follow the expected course.
Notes: Written for [info]jadzialove for the 2008 [info]percy_ficathon. This story demanded to be told in this fashion. ~4100 words plus six images.

Prospects )

Jan. 6th, 2008


HP fic: The Only Final Path, part 2 [Harry/Draco, Harry/Ginny, adult]

Title: The Only Final Path, part 2
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Harry/Ginny
Rating: adult, although not very
Warnings: none
Summary: Friendship between his son and Draco's gradually brings Harry to a realisation of what he really wants.
Note: Written for [info]ninnive for [info]hd_holidays in December 2007. This is very slightly revised from the original posting to clean up a few typos and discontinuities. The title comes from E.M. Forster's The Longest Journey. Many thanks to [info]thevina for beta; all remaining errors and infelicities are entirely my responsibility.

The Only Final Path, part 2 )

part one / part two


HP fic: The Only Final Path, part 1 [Harry/Draco, Harry/Ginny, adult]

Title: The Only Final Path, part 1
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Harry/Ginny
Rating: adult, although not very
Warnings: none
Summary: Friendship between his son and Draco's gradually brings Harry to a realisation of what he really wants.
Note: Written for [info]ninnive for [info]hd_holidays in December 2007. This is very slightly revised from the original posting to clean up a few typos and discontinuities. The title comes from E.M. Forster's The Longest Journey. Many thanks to [info]thevina for beta; all remaining errors and infelicities are entirely my responsibility.

The Only Final Path, part 1 )

part one / part two

June 2018




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