Mar. 7th, 2012


HP ficlet: End of the World [Harry/Ron, general]

Title: End of the World
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Ron, Ron/Hermione
Rating: general
Length: 300 words
Summary: Ron didn't come back on Hermione's account. Part of the H/Hr/R series.
Note: For [info]quill_it, 100.3, prompt 74, "world".

End of the World )

Jan. 25th, 2012


HP ficlet: Ignorance [Harry/Ron preslash, general]

Title: Ignorance
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Ron preslash
Rating: general
Length: 228
Summary: Harry knows that he doesn't know much about the wizarding world, yet.
Note: For [info]quill_it, 100.3, prompt 8, "conceal". For [info]jelazakazone who wanted Harry/???; I chose Ron. This is part of the loose Harry/Hermione/Ron series, but also stands alone.

Ignorance )

Sep. 14th, 2011


HP ficlet: A Rather Unusual Proposition [Harry/Ron, general]

Title: A Rather Unusual Proposition
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Ron
Rating: general
Length: 487 words
Summary: After Hermione makes a suggestion, Ron comes to talk to Harry.
Note: For [info]quill_it, 100.3, prompt 44, "hope".

A Rather Unusual Proposition )

Sep. 9th, 2011


HP ficlet: Reunion [Harry/Ron, adult]

Title: Reunion
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Ron
Rating: adult
Length: 440 words
Warnings: angst & sex
Summary: Harry finds saying no to Ron almost impossible.
Note: For [info]quill_it, 100.3, prompt 30, "stop".

Reunion )

Aug. 30th, 2011


HP ficlet: The Row [Harry/Ron, general]

Title: The Row
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Ron; references to Hermione/Ron
Rating: general
Length: 721 words
Warnings: angst
Summary: Harry wants Ron to tell Hermione the truth about them.
Note: For [info]quill_it, 100.3, prompt 73, "nowhere".

The Row )

Aug. 26th, 2011


HP ficlet: Overheard [Harry/Ron, adult]

Title: Overheard
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Ron
Rating: adult
Length: 720 words
Warnings: chan (they are both 15), voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation, first time
Summary: Ron's been listening to Harry at night. Harry decides to do something about it.
Note: For [info]quill_it, 100.3, prompt 5, "exposed".

Overheard )

Aug. 8th, 2011


HP ficlet: Hopeless Search [Harry/Ron, general]

Title: Hopeless Search
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Ron, implied Hermione/Ron
Rating: general
Length: 326 words
Summary: The Horcrux search is tearing Harry and Ron apart.
Note: For [info]quill_it, 100.3, prompt 24, "frustrated".

Hopeless Search )

Apr. 16th, 2009


HP ficlets: Ginger Revelation [Harry/Ron, general]

Title: Ginger Revelation
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Ron
Rating: general
Length: 244 words.
Warnings: second person narrative
Summary: Ron finally makes a move.
Note: For [info]eruditefics, who wanted Ron/Harry, biscuits. Happy birthday, as well!

Ginger Revelation )

June 2018




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