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KYuusho Kyuusai [May. 19th, 2010|07:30 am]


 Title: Den of Shadows: Kyuusho Kyuusai
Format: forum-based
Contact me at: portalkaien@charter.net (msn messanger/email)
Game link: z7.invisionfree.com/Kyuusho_Kyuusai/index.php
Wanted/needed muses: none in particular at the moment
Anything else: Any Asian celebrities welcome.

 Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rovYlMSwD9s

The Den of Shadows: Kyuusho Kyuusai is an Asian celebrity based RP that takes place in an alternate universe where Vampires, Witches and Shapeshifters exist. The world based on the one in Author Amelia Atwater-Rhodes set of novels, The Den of Shadows quartet. This RP itself is based on an earlier incarnation on livejournal from a few years ago. A few of the old players expressed that they missed Kyuusho and with the new releases coming this year from Amelia Atwater-Rhodes it seems only right! biggrin.gif

The City:
Kyuusho Kyuusai(roughly: secret salvation)
The eastern sister city to New Mayhem. A city that exists, but at the same time doesn't. Humans don't know about Kyuusho, it's a city open only to the supernatural races. Kyuusho is in a word dangerous. Tucked away near Tokyo, it moves by its own rules. Its fashioned a bit like a dark Tokyo, where anything and everything had a price. Vampires reign surpreme in Kyuusho with suppressive force. Everything follows their rules, but for how long?

Claim's List:
Kaoru (Dir en Grey)
Shun (Rentrer En Soi)
Tablo (Epik High)

On Hold:
Kirito (Pierrot/Angelo/solo)

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Visual Kei Academy RECRUITING xD [Apr. 27th, 2010|10:56 am]
The idea behind our RP is that members of Visual Kei bands are attending a school that
teaches how to be a Visual Kei artist. (but nothing is as it should be and everyday chaos strikes...really xD)

The players are a mix of students and teachers and the story is built around both class time and personal/private matters.

Lot's of fun so if you are interested respond here or send me a PM and I will get you started!
We are looking for the following roles to continue our story: )
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x-posted [Feb. 15th, 2010|03:57 am]
A Kaoru for my Kyo?
Willing to do A/U and 'RL' as well. Maybe even search out a comm too :D
Please be of age!!!!
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[Jan. 26th, 2010|10:42 am]
This game is wicked easy to join and quite relaxed.

If you like highschool/college games/exchange students/street fashion/ridiculously fun lines, come join riceball~!!

[info]bodydouble to join. :)
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Grungy Heaven RPG [Jan. 9th, 2010|10:46 pm]
[Current Location |living room]
[Current Mood | bouncy]
[Current Music |Darkness Eyes: Tohoshinki]



Plot:Japan's Criminal Underworld


Claim's list

We're looking for a police chief (more police in general), more gang members/leaders,
but if anyone wants to play anything else that's still cool.
The players are friendly and engageing this is an old RP that was recently renovated and is starting to build quickly.
 Claim your muse soon!!
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[May. 3rd, 2009|12:39 pm]

The year 2012 was supposed to be the end of the world. It was the year that the Mayan calendar ran out. But, instead, the flood gates open and a war the likes of mankind had never seen before washed over the entire world. When it was over, the Communists lay victor, and the countries were all in shambles. It is here our story begins.

Countries lay in... )

{Game Rules|Yakuza Member Rules|Laws for Civilians and Law Enforcements|Positions Available|Claims|Apply}
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Update 03/19/09 [Mar. 19th, 2009|09:17 am]

Newly added
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Update 01/31/09 [Jan. 31st, 2009|11:56 am]


[info]jamais_facheux to LJ
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Update 01/30/09 [Jan. 30th, 2009|07:23 am]
Non AU----->

Newly added
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[Jan. 30th, 2009|07:13 am]
I didn't think anyone was still here on IJ! I'll go ahead and start updating again.
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[Jan. 29th, 2009|06:14 am]

We don't need no fancy-schmancy banner image to attract the badasses who know what image is all about already. You know who you are. You helped shape the fucking world these kids live in. They're the little runts that play on our lawn, the lawn we built from the ground up and someone's gotta show them who's boss. FUCK THE SYSTEM! It's time to cause another revolution, motherfuckers. -- Dynamite Tommy, CEO of Free-Will Records and vocalist of COLOR

You heard him, folks. I can't put it much better than that. Well, except like this. Thrill Show is a non-AU game. And just like many other non-AU games, Thrill Show runs real-time and in many ways, is very much based on reality. Your muse should be as close to their real as possible, maintaining their schedule and personality (you may not have a choice in the matter, here, as demonstrated above). They should be Japanese, or producing music in Japan -- which is where the game is based -- at least some of the time, but there is a catch. Ideally, we want muses who are "old school" and by that we mean if your muse isn't at least 30, he or she better be able to pull some strings with their old school homies.

You may also consider trying your luck anyway, as some will be more acceptable than others and better connected or better able to chill with the olds. We don't want no age segregation happening, you dig? We tend to be lenient about this, but don't expect to get your muse in if he's a 20 year old visual kei kid who is fresh on the scene and out of his parents' garage, got it? He probably won't be able to handle his liquor, let alone his balls in a room full of J-Rock legends. But maybe, if you have an oldie already, maybe, we'll think about letting him in after a few months. Maybe.

Here are the basics. We play on AIM, third person paragraph/novel style, and our muses update their own journals for game activity once a month. If you're not comfortable with pushing yourself to write this way, you're better off not joining. We also don't allow uber, so expect to be IC or OOC at all times. The links below should offer you everything you'll need to come play with the best before rogaine robs them of their livelihood. Act now!

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If this isn't allowed, please delete :x [Nov. 26th, 2008|12:41 pm]
Looking for a place to play as Kyo. RLrp or AUrp, doesn't really matter. I can do both, though I'm more talented at fantasy XD Still, Kyo's all I got. Yeah. Oh, and will also do PB-based games, supernatural things being my strongpoint. ^^ v

Please pick me? I'm of age, too :3
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New to IJ: Gungho Rodeo! A Non-AU Jrock Roleplay [Nov. 25th, 2008|11:08 pm]
[Current Location |floor]
[Current Mood | calm]
[Current Music |Explode - Uh Huh Her]

Gungho Rodeo! ~ A Non-AU Jrock Roleplay of Love

Despite the silliness of the name, Gungho Rodeo is focused on serious quality roleplay in a relaxed, tight knit atmosphere with no tolerance for OOC dramatics.

Japanese celebrities are welcome, regardless of their profession, as well as their relatives (as long as proof of their existence can be provided via statement of famous relative). Even foreigners are welcome, provided they have an actual, real relationship with a celebrity and that celebrity is already claimed in the comm. Details regarding this can be found in the userinfo.

So Far Claimed:

Dir en grey - kyo
Dir en grey - Kaoru
Dir en grey - Toshiya
Dir en grey - Die

[Kabuki] Ichikawa Ebizo XI

Dir en grey - Shinya

Everyone else in the world who fits the requirements is more than welcome.
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Update 06/09/08 [Jun. 9th, 2008|07:24 am]

Newly added
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Update 05/07/08 [May. 7th, 2008|05:05 pm]

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Update 05/06/08 [May. 6th, 2008|06:57 am]

Newly added


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[Apr. 25th, 2008|11:16 pm]
This isn't really a Jrock RP but I'm requesting Jrock PBs..? If that's not alright, I apologize and assume the post will be deleted. ^^;

[info]kanto is a pretty new community but it has a lot going for it, considering most people from [info]tokyomod who were active in Tokyo moved over ot the Kanto game when it was closed down. We would love new members of course, but I have a specific request. It is a play by game and I have a character there named [info]reiji - Reiji is in a band called ANGEL☆DUST and he would love some band mates.. other Gazette PBs would be lovely but not required for the line. Reiji plays guitar so he'd need a bassist, a drummer, and a vocalist. :) Let me know if you're interested and we'll work out some details! I can be contacted at reiji zo to :)
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New Mod [Feb. 4th, 2008|07:55 am]
Hello everyone. I'm the new mod for this asylum. I'll be taking care of everything from now on. Hope to see some advertising and all that jazz.
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AU Directory [Feb. 4th, 2008|07:55 am]
last updated 03/19/09 09:16am
last checked 03/19/09 09:16am

[info]jamais_facheux (moved to LJ)
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Unidentified Directory [Feb. 4th, 2008|07:53 am]




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