Posts Tagged: '%21modpost'

Sep. 17th, 2013


Notes, how do they work? :O

Hey guys, happy, it's no longer Monday, day!

Just a quick reminder about how the notes system works, to avoid confusion. Notes are not comparable to a network system, therefore you cannot have an immediate back and forth conversation with another person who is in another location in the carnival. They are handwritten notes, posted on the public noticeboard for everyone to read, they're only visible to your character, if your character happens to walk past and read the noticeboard. They can also be notes/cards/letters written and sent to someone privately.

You can reply to a note. Of course, your character can add to, graffiti, draw on or reply to a note on the noticeboard. But, then the original writer would have to go check it to read the reply, write their own reply... and so on and so forth. It's not so much a way to interact or talk to a person directly, but it's good for sparking up reasons to meet, finding supplies, you could most definitely use it to find other characters you were looking for – 'Has anyone seen x person by the name of blah, or blah if you read this – come see me in tent #4'

Conversations for now are more suited for quick, face to face interactions that aren't as hefty as a thread/log, in that they're focused primarily on dialogue with a little action on the side.

Having said all that, the journals aren't far off! We'll be sure to make it clear when they're available to your characters and they will not be compulsory. Journals will be a network-like system where back and forth conversation is most definitely appropriate :)

Questions are welcome, as always!

Thank you!
Nina & Sara

Sep. 14th, 2013


[No Subject]

All right!

We've had a few things go up this morning, so why not add one more? ;) You may have noticed that the route posted in the Notes and the destination posted in the OOC don't match. That's because the route is IC (with the exception of google maps, of course) and where the carnival is set to go. The destination is where they'll actually end up. But your characters are free to notice that they have a destination now. :)

As for the plot, feel free to sign your ladies up in the other post. We'll probably put another post up at some point for everyone to throw their thoughts in on how and when to 'rescue' them. Obviously a similar thing can happen ICly as well (although.. not sure how well a carnival meeting will go logistically, but we can see.. or at the very least discuss occly how it would have panned out - who would have suggested what and whatnot).

Journals - they were mentioned at the bottom of the long plot post. But just to reiterate that point, we haven't forgotten about them and they will be introduced in the aftermath of this plot.

Umm. We'll be getting to other modly things soon if you're waiting on anything.

And thank you all for keeping things going this fortnight. We've been busier that we intended to be and other things have taken longer than we anticipated, but we're starting to get into the swing of things. So hopefully we'll bit a bit more present ICly this fortnight.

So, cheers! (And welcome to our newer players - sorry for not hitting your intro posts. We are glad you are here! :)

Sep. 13th, 2013



This is a day late reminder that the 12th is/was a full moon for the werewolves that applies to.. and anyone else who goes funny on a full moon. ;)

Sep. 10th, 2013


[No Subject]

Hi folks,

Just a reminder, Monday is a day off for the carnival. Feel free to have your characters getting a little R&R. It's not about slacking entirely, though! There might be some odd jobs, washing/cleaning of clothing, some practice to be done, or perhaps animal training? But, basically what it means; there's no shows, no stands or selling, no performing necessary of any kind.

Town visits, wandering, relaxing! All good. Annoy someone with a truck to take you for a drive!

We'll close the poll regarding journals/network in a few days. Make sure you've voted. Though it looks pretty solid toward journals being favoured!

We'll discuss how they'll be introduced when it's closed.

Plot info is COMING SOON! Watch out for it. Oooo.

Some jobs have been added, but the page still needs to be prettied up. We're still always happy for suggestions too, if you've got them.

I think that's it for now!

Thank you.

Nina & Sara.

Sep. 6th, 2013


A couple of things..


This is a quick note to remind the few of you that haven't voted in the poll regarding journals/network that we'd appreciate it if you did. :)

I was hoping to get some new jobs up today but I haven't quite got there. I have done one of two planned 'big' FAQ updates though - adding a section to cover the couple of 'how things work' OOC posts we've had. So it's nothing really new to most of you. The conversations and arrival sections have been updated a little as well. The next update will address IC/Management issues a bit more, but that probably won't be until next week now. And I'm not sure the jobs will be either. Long day tomorrow and undetermined day on Sunday for me, and Nina is working all weekend also. So we're probably going to be even slower than normal, sorry. But once we have these couple of things out of the way we should be in a better position. Thank you for being patient with us. :)

Have a good weekend everyone!
Nina and Sara

Sep. 5th, 2013


We need your input!

Hi everyone!

So the thought was put to us by a player, that they're feeling the loss of network related IC interactions in this game. That something like a network/text messages is a big part of many games and important too for smaller bits and pieces of character development.

Originally we developed the idea of this game specifically without a network or network-like device for characters, one because it simply didn't fit in with the time set in game (lol nophones) and two because we wanted just to try a game without a network – folks here simply don't have a lot of time to themselves, work goes on throughout the day and into the evening, not to mention shows, animal care, rehearsals and so on. We do want this to remain a logs/threads based game and we'd also prefer that's how folk enter the game, rather than a 'wtf where am I' network-type entry.

Other games, where characters do not own filthy MUGGLE phones have personal journals where characters can see public entries, or set private entires and then comment back and forth with others. It would be the same concept here. Every character receives a journal, every character can read/make public entries in their own journal and others can comment by writing back, which is in turn read by all.

The suggestion to us was a really fair point and we decided it wasn't a decision for us to make without seeing what folks here think of it! Do you think the game would benefit? Would it make conversations redundant? Or notes? Should we have ALL the things? Keep in mind we're 100% open-minded about this, so vote honestly.


Poll #7273 Network
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Should we introduce network-like IC interactions through journals?

View Answers

No. Leave things the way they are!
10 (43.5%)

Yes to journals. Remove notes and conversations.
0 (0.0%)

Yes to journals. Keep notes and conversations.
9 (39.1%)

Yes to journals. Scrap notes, keep conversations
2 (8.7%)

Yes to journals. Keep notes, scrap conversations.
2 (8.7%)


Sep. 3rd, 2013



Hello everyone!

We've updated/changed the accommodation section on the reference page a little bit. Those of you with trailers may now find yourselves in caravans/housecars. If you're unhappy with this change, let us know and we'll change you back. Pictures/videos in most cases are still pending. We'll let you know when they're up though.

We've also added a proper accommodation page where your character's name is listed. (If it's missing, let us know. @Halo - did you want Lily Luna in tent 1 or 2?) You can tell us there if they move around and we will move them! To those of you with roustabouts and roughies - we'll hopefully be adding more trucks soon. (I have a lot of tabs open right now but also need to stop looking at trucks. XD) If you have any truck requests though, we'd be happy to have a look and think about adding them.

Nina and Sara

Sep. 2nd, 2013


Conversation style/format poll and a question for phone users..


We know some of you expressed your preference already, but following on from our post of yesterday (we updated the second option), here is a handy poll:

Poll #7271
Open to: Friends, results viewable to: None

Which conversation style/format would you prefer to use?

7 (46.7%)

Brackets + Italics
3 (20.0%)

5 (33.3%)

If you did have other suggestions though, we'd still be happy to hear them. :)

Also, I'm wondering how many of you access the game on your phones? The menus don't work because phones and hover don't mix and I'm considering permanently extending them to make that easier for you. Is that something you'd like to have happen?


Sep. 1st, 2013


Conversation style/format and tags


Firstly, we've been asked if we would like the format of conversations to be the brackets specifically [] or if simply keeping the general ..separating actions from words but in other ways would be okay. To be honest, we'd prefer if it was kept uniform, but we're not adverse to suggestions about other ways to display conversations. So, that's what this thread is for - suggestions of ways to format conversations. Then we'll get a vote started some time tomorrow on them and see what happens. So, some examples/what we have so far:

Brackets )

Bractalics )

Quotation Marks )

Secondly, tags. I forgot to add the !note tag to Carl's myself, but in the Notes Community there's the !note tag for anything pinned to the noticeboard (and therefore open), a !letter tag for letters, cards, etc. obviously addressed to a certain person (and therefore private), and a !gift tag for gifts, which follows the same principle as the letters. And, because of the sheer volume of tags on the registrar, we're going to give it its own !registrar tag and remove all the personal tags, as it can be easy to muck things up given the volume and it looks kind of crazy. XD

In the main community, if you could keep the !open tag on your open post, even after it's been tagged into, it makes things a little easier come points time. No need for a !closed tag either. :) Oh and the !scene-set tag is one I will change to something else when I think of something better to call it, but is just for threads that will be posted by the mod journal to set the scene. (ATM only this one.)

Also, sorry for the slow. We will hit all your NPC posts today though!

Nina and Sara

A couple of things..

Good morning(/afternoon/evening)!

Firstly, thank you all for putting up with the bumps yesterday as we got some things sorted out - we appreciate it. This post is just to address some of the things we were asked. In regards to open threads, we're going with one set of responses/series of events rather than multiple. So unless it's a group post or you're adding to the already existing thread, it's generally one person who tags in.

As for conversations, we have an example going on here. In terms of format, they'll need a location and time in the subject (and I'll get around to fixing the line spacing in the layout at some point :E). If they're not marked as [Private], then it's assumed that anyone happening by can come and join the conversation (though do check the time/place.. as they may need a reason to find themselves in someone else's tent in the middle of the night, etc. ;). We're going for present tense for these to make them feel a bit different.. though we've both found we kind of suck at keeping to it ourselves, so just do your best. Any other questions about them, though, would be much appreciated.

Oh, in the notes I added a couple of links to Carl's note.. they're not actually there. I've just enjoyed looking at old ads. c.c But people are welcome to stick newspaper clippings or catalog pages or stuff like that up there. Also in regards the notes, keep in mind that your characters will presumably have gone back and forth to scribble out responses to each other (and could always run into each other, leading to a conversation). Oh, and you're welcome to put how neatly it's scribbled or if it's another piece added to it, etc. in the subject or in []'s or italics or whatnot.

There's a mix of mod and NPC things to do and I'm going to attempt to switch between them this morning, but apologies if I take a while. <3


Aug. 31st, 2013



Hello everyone,

Just to remind you all, our current destination is Avery, Oklahoma (+ youtube). Today (Saturday) they will be on the road and arrive at their destination (abandoned farmland outside the town) in the late afternoon, at which point they will begin setting up the back lot (ie - their trailers, tents, amenities, etc.). Tomorrow (Sunday) they will set up the carnival lot (videos: 1, 2). This is mostly the job of the roughies/rousties, but they'll probably attempt to rope some able bodied folk into helping out. If your character is in charge of a game/stall, they may want to get that partly set up, as it's a double day the next day and they'll have to do the rest in the morning. Otherwise, this would be a good time for performers to practice or to duck into the town. Monday is Labor Day and, being a public holiday, they have a full/double day. What a way to start!

For the rest of the week they'll just do the later show, so they'll have some mornings to relax in, or to visit Avery, search for moonshiners, etc. before being back to full days on the weekend. The next Monday is their full day off, then another week, and packing up the carnival lot on Sunday, ready to then pack the back lot up and leave on Monday.

As we've said, we're more than happy for people to forward/back-date and placeholder threads given that you can't always be around at those times, so no worries there, :)

Oh, as for the show 'cycle' itself.. there will be one main combined animal and big top show starting at 6:30pm.. it /would/ be billed to go till 8pm ..but that's not going to happen with the current state of things So it finishes when it finishes. XD The Freak Show is essentially continuous - the crowd goes along the different acts in line.. people can come in at their leisure and stay till they double up on the act they came in at. So there's a bit of sitting (/being dragged out to do the ballyhoo out the front) while they're waiting for the crowd to come around again.

The side-shows.. with the exception of the fortune teller (and mentalist - Sascha would you prefer if Cas does one-on-one type things or a show? Both are fine!), the side-shows will proceed one after the other. So the escape artist, followed by the illusionist, followed by the cooch show. Obviously they'll kick all the patrons out between shows.

All right. If you have any questions, please ask them here.. if there's something somewhere we haven't responded to, let us know here as well. Otherwise.. LET'S GO!

[No Subject]

Yo guys, I'm really happy you're reading all this other stuff.
I'm gonna let you finish but-

Now we have the registrar! Here

Yes. I know, moar. But this random idea popped up and we decided to go with it. This book is one that sits in management's trailer, only two employees have access to it, but neither of them fill it out. The idea is, once a character arrives an entry appears. MAGICALLY. Basically Management want Art and Carl to know what they're dealing with, no not necessarily always to use it – but to know. Is this a bad or good thing for your pups?

As a player, you fill it out – don't fill it out IC. But as though this is some sort of permanent record with the very basic 'need to know' info on your character. Does your character have a power? Or several? They're listed. Maybe they have no power but they're likely to rebel? Can their loyalty be bought, perhaps they'd willingly do anything for a particular person who may or may not be at the carnival? You can write two or three traits, you can write five, or ten.

It's not necessarily for nefarious purposes. Or is it? :O

Other characters do not have access to this, Art and Carl will not be sharing what they know either – so nothing you put here would be considered common game knowledge. Also, it's probably a little bit of a challenge to find a way to briefly note your characters strengths/weaknesses as though someone else was observing them, but see how you go!

Aug. 30th, 2013



Right! This one is about accommodation/housing, so it's okay.

We plan to add some words, pictures and videos to it, but for now – at the very least – we have your character's 'default' accommodation. Meaning the one they'll be assigned to when they arrive. They are welcome to move around and we'll probably get a housing page with character names on it going at some point in the next fortnight. Though bear in mind, if you do take a spot that belongs to someone who isn't here yet.. they will still be assigned to that place when they arrive. I imagine if it's a trailer they might want to keep that prime bit of real estate, so you might find yourself back in a tent. Tents are probably easier for people to shuffle between.

This information will wind up on that page, just typed better and more concisely, which I'm not quite ready for yet. ANIMAL PEOPLE. You will also have access to the cages/carts your animals were in (or pulling in the case of the poor elephant). If you want to do something with these you're welcome to. There's an actual lion cage that's being used as more of a storage cage atm.

ROUGHIES/ROUSTIES. You get to sleep in, on or around the trucks. Maybe if someone's nice they'll let you in a tent. :E You can have stuff to sleep on though!

Oh, and not that we have any yet.. but the cooks get a little tent right near the cook house.

If we've missed anyone, please let us know. And we'll let you know when we have a housing page done and you can start shuffling people around (although you can before then, but in a recording it sense).

Nina and Sara

The 1930s and you!

And another! This one's not so modly though. :) We simply wanted to go over a couple of 1930s things that might impact on your characters. (We stole your title, Sascha.. sorry/thanks!)

Alcohol )

Contraception )

Technology )

All right, that's probably enough babbling for now. Thanks guys!

Another policy post, sorry..

Hi again!

Once everything gets going we promise there will be less of these. But because we haven't really covered this in the rules, we wanted to go over our policy on drama. When you throw a bunch of people together under pretty extreme circumstances sparks are bound to fly. I think we can all appreciate that, and when it's planned it's generally a lot of fun. When it's unplanned, from our experience, it can go a few ways and not all of them good. This is once situation where that OOC≠IC (and vice versa) rule comes into play.

Firstly, we never want drama to be motivated by personal feelings towards another player. Secondly, though, if you do find yourself in a situation that explodes in a way you hadn't intended, and you find yourself getting quite worked up/upset along with you character, take a break. Maybe call it a night if it's late or else go for a walk or watch some television or do that thing you should be doing.. Calm down and come back to it later. Contact the other person involved to make sure everything's cool. Making assumptions that they're not, or holding onto hurt or a grudge is not what we want to see and can easily loop back on the OOC≠IC issue. It can often be avoided if you just talk to each other! That said, if you do still feel there is an issue, please bring it to us – that's what we're here for. :)

Oh, and please don't post anything in the OOC in the midst of it. Wait till things have calmed down and if you still feel the need to excuse your character or whatnot, then do so.

That said, with the absence of a proper network people are probably going to have to put their money where their mouth is a bit. Unfortunately, I imagine most of the carnyfolk will only egg them on. :E But, following what we posted the other day, if certain characters do prove more trouble than they're worth their fit may have to be reconsidered. :/

So to reiterate, drama can happen, take a break if you need it, talk to each other and us, and hopefully have fun with it! :)

Nina and Sara

Aug. 29th, 2013


Arrival NPC 'meeting' planning thread

Following yesterday's epic post, and regarding what we stated about NPC interactions upon arrival within it, this post is here to hash out what would have happened between your character and either Art or Carl.

To repeat ourselves though, we're not sure we can hit everyone with the NPCs at opening, and some of you may want to thread with others not long after your character has met with one. (Although we encourage running into others right off the bat as well!) But we wanted to give you the opportunity to work out how that would have gone. The same applies to characters people are deciding have been there for a little while already - we're happy to work out how their arrival/first NPC meeting went as well. :)

C&P of how those interactions are likely to start )

Aug. 28th, 2013


Epic Post

Hi Folks,

Firstly, sorry for what will likely be a barrage of posts over the next few days. This one's going to cover some IC things we've been asked about and some things we feel the need to cover. It is epically long and we highly recommend taking it a section at a time. Before you run for the hills, though, please ask us your questions and state your concerns here. It is not our intention to alienate you with AH, RULES or anything like that, but rather explain our reasoning and highlight the TALK TO US. If we're being too crazy, let us know. XD We want this game to be fun, but we want there to be restrictions on the character due to the setting/environment and Management's desire not to cause TOO much trouble. So it's something they have to adapt to 'realistically'. If that makes sense? We want it to be /part/ of the fun, not hamper the fun.

Arrival )

IC/Management Rules )

Supernatural(/Murdery) Issues )

Seriously, sorry for the essay. We just wanted to be clear about our thoughts and motivations. But really, if you have any thoughts/input/questions/anything, post them! <3

Nina and Sara

Aug. 27th, 2013




That information you've been waiting for is finally (almost all) here! Okay, so the accommodation information is still pending - fingers crossed for tomorrow - but the rest of it is (still almost) all here.. except for that bottom section which will cover a cook or two and the doctors. A couple more jobs have been added along the way though, so the next task will be updating the jobs page which I'll get to shortly. Like last time, if anything new catches your eye you're welcome to swap before we start!

We're probably going to hit you with some info/resources and rules-type posts over the next few days just to make sure we're all on the same page. Apologies for the spam in advance.

Not long now! :)

Nina and Sara

[No Subject]


Firstly, sorry for being conspicuously absent the past couple of days - we've been busy (and sick if you're Nina). Secondly, the WHAT YOU GET information should be here later today (for us), we swear! There are appointments and a few things to do before that though. And thirdly, there's a destination to, perhaps, help you plot a little better for the weekend and beyond..

Avery is a ghost town now but there is a video with information and pictures on youtube if you want a bit more of a reference. The showers they'll get at the beginning are probably all they'll get for a while (drought ftl) and will really only act to make things more uncomfortable.. WELCOME.

Anyway, I really have to run. There will be more to come though!

EDIT: Even though I don't think our werewolves so far are bound by it, the full moon details have been added to the destination.

Aug. 24th, 2013


Slight Rule Change

Hello again,

We just wanted to let you know that we've changed the 'Banned Fandoms' rule slightly, as we've run into a couple of issues with it/the list. Basically, we're asking those of you applying for characters from books to provide us with an up to date link regarding the author's policy on fan fic/fan works (if they have one). We want to respect their wishes, but as we've found, you're generally more knowledgeable than we are as you're the one's playing in the fandoms. Doing a simple search doesn't always net us the most up to date/correct information. That said, we will check that information. We've added a section to the app for it, which will hopefully clear things up for others as well. Oh, and a Canon Point section was added to the app recently also.

Have a good weekend everyone, we'll have some game information for you by the end of it. :)

Nina and Sara