March 8th, 2014


New members!

We would like to welcome

Jack Harkness [info]capjharkness from Torchwood (Play by Jen)

Nathan Young [info]smoothasink from Misfits (Play by Jacqui)

to Carnaval de la Lumière



Intro post

Hello to you, my name is Jacqui and I'm a new player. With me I bring Nathan Young, from the British series Misfits. For those who have seen it, he's post series 2, ie after he left the show. For those who haven't, Nathan is... ridiculous. He's endearing and annoying, he never stops talking, and he's very inappropriate all the time. But he has some kind of charm to him that keeps him on his feet. [He also has an Irish accent, that probably helps.]

He's working as a cooch dance talker, so cooch ladies will get to know him, and that may or may not be a good thing. I think for the moment he's sleeping in a tent or possibly just on the ground, I'm not totally sure but he will be complaining about it for a while.

So that's him, and I'm me, and hello again. If you have any questions or ideas for this useless little idiot, you can comment here, or on aim [longagogodric] or through his ooc drop box.



[No Subject]

MY INBOX IS EMPTY! What!? I know it's rare, but I want some plot people, GIVE IT TO ME RIGHT NOW!

I found I work better with a to do list of things for the week in my CDJ. (Feel free to add if you'd like to)

I was wondering if anyone you like to do anything with my peeps listed - here

I'm looking for everything, friends, enemies, lovers, whatever kind of drama for all peeps!

Open for suggestions, chit chat. you can poke me here, contact post in journals, aim is Memyselfandfi (hardly on it, but on atm), g-chat/hangout as fitehfishy (always on it) or email