February 2nd, 2014



[No Subject]

Haven't done this anywhere in awhile, but why not, I guess.

Does anyone want to do anything with my characters?

I'm up for net and scene stuff, or even some plotting? I'm trying to organize it all into a to-do list so nothing gets missed.

Alex has arrived already, but I still have Claire, Lydia and Caroline who have to make their arrivals here. I'm going to probably do open scenes for them, if anyone is interested in tagging!

Let's have some fun, I'm always available by email at liveforthefight@gmail.com. Feel free to add my cdj @ [info]intheheadspace. My gchat/hangouts is the same as my email. And finally my AIM is iiveforthefight. I think I need to add people first though, I used to get a lot of bots.

Let's get to it!

[No Subject]

Sara was awesome with working with so many HTML coding, sadly Fi or Min is not.

So I'm making the contact list all about you guys, you update it when you add a character or remove it. The link is here.

Also I noticed a lot of communities are making mod community so the ooc are not flooded with mod post.

Should we do that here? I know I've been plaguing the ooc with information and still might be for a few days, I just want to make things better for you guys.