January 26th, 2014



[No Subject]

Hiya. I'm Ash and I'm new to the game, bringing in one character.

He's an OC by the name of Nathan Weller. The short version is that he's part angel, part werewolf and dabbles in the magical arts. I have an entire profile written up on him in his journal you can check out. Excited to post & play. ^^

I can be reached at bellatrixkale23@gmail.com for plots. I don't really use aim anymore so that's the best way to contact me.



[No Subject]

Hi! I'm Julia, and I'm new. This is Rachel Berry, from glee. She is loud, tiny, and a diva. She is coming in from season 4, episode 14. She ha just slept with her ex, Finn Hudson. She is in song and dance, because she is a performer. Rachel can be hard to get along with, but she is always eager to have friends, because she has this need to be popular. Rachel is most likely going to be curious about this new place she landed in, but she's a trooper, and she'll be glad to get to perform. Rachel will do just about anything in order to get to sing. She'll want to take charge, because she always wants to, so she might need a nudge sometimes to be reminded she's not. ;)

Plots! I am up for any! XD. Glad to be here!



[No Subject]

Hey all, Amber here. I was in this game for a bit but I had to leave awhile back. I'm giving it another shot.

So with me I am bringing Claire Bennet from Heroes who will be a freak, naturally. Alexandra Udinov from Nikita who will be selling candy apples. And Lydia Martin from Teen Wolf who will be selling tickets.
