November 18th, 2013



[No Subject]

Helloooooo glorious people! I know a couple of youuuu as you lot are the ones that directed me to this marvelous little premise. To those that don't, though? HI! I'm Kayla and I'm bringing you the sassy, loud-mouthed Columbian ex-girlfriend of one, Peter Vincent from the 2011 remake of Fright Night. She is mostly friendly? But has a bit of a bitchy exterior, if you can get past that though, she's fiercely loyal and defends people she cares about like crazy. She was given the Fortune-Teller job, which lbh, it fits her pretty well and she'll rock that gypsy getup! Even if she is WTFing at this craziness. Sorry vamps, she won't appreciate you very much as she was killed by one. Literally like minutes ago. She's biased. Sorry, bros~

I'm open to any/all plots any/all times. You can prod at me on AIM at kaylaidosteph, if it says I'm mobile, don't worry about bugging me, I'm like... almost always mobile. It's a whole "I have no real internet at home" situation and it's all very UGH! but anyway yes. That's my AIM and you can alternatively get at me via email anytime!