November 4th, 2013



[No Subject]

Hello new friends!

Please give a warm and happy welcome to Steve Rogers -- who feels a bit like he's on some kind of time-travel Yo-Yo. First it's 1945, then it's 2012, now he's back to the 30s. Cool. He'll take the adjustment well enough, and he's certainly more familiar with this particular era than most; growing up through the Great Depressing in Brooklyn.

He's coming in from after the events of the Avengers, but before The Winter Soldier plot and he's just really happy to be reunited with his best friend, [info]sergeantbarnes Bucky!

I'm open to all kinds of plots/relationships/friendship ideas you might have, so throw them my way! Also, this is my first time writing for Steve Rogers, and I'm not actually an American so if I mess something up about United States history or something else that Steve really ought to know -- please point it out so I can fix it. I really don't mind at all being corrected and won't take it personally. I'd rather be on-point than wrong and not realise it.

Thanks everyone!

Becky Barnes.