October 21st, 2013




I suppose it's only polite to swing by and introduce myself. :)

Hello, all, I'm Lausanne, and I found this place because of an ad for another character on MMW and my curiosity was piqued. So I figured this was prime place to bring in Loki, because why not, right? Right. Loki's canon point is the end of Avengers, since most people are more familiar with the MCU than the comics. You can expect him to be ... Well. Himself. A touch less murderous and maniacal, but still the silver-tongued trickster we all love. He's been assigned the job of escape artist which I am incredibly pleased with.

I guess that's the long and short of it. Super looking forward to hanging out here, it's a fantastic concept and I hope you all bear with me while I learn the ropes.

[No Subject]

Hello all! This is Joan with Dean Winchester, take three :)

I know I'm not the first to play this bad boy here, but the difference this time around will be that instead of bring in your regular Supernatural canon hunter I'm going with the 2014!Alternate version. He popped up in one of my fave SPN episodes of all time (S05E04 The End) but for a short summary of what you can expect:

Dean was five seconds away from dying under Lucifer's douchy white boot when the Management picked him up so he's gonna be a little intense at first. In his world when the apocalypse started happening he and his brother couldn't stop it. In fact, the last he heard his brother was still Lucifer's meatsuit to prom, Cas was human and dead the second part of which was mostly Dean's fault, sorry buddy along with a lot of the militia group he was leading, and oh yeah. Did I mention that the apocalypse was happening? He isn't used to seeing regular people not armed to the teeth anymore, let alone some of the common day monsters working at the Carnival. But if there is one thing my boy knows how to do it is survive.

He'll be operating the Shoot the Star Game. Can't wait to do some more writing with ya'll <3