October 3rd, 2013




This is Sara and this is Ned, who she didn't promise. :E She may have recently marathoned Pushing Daisies. c.c Anyway! For those of you unfamiliar with the series, Ned here owns a pie shop where he makes and sells rather lovely pies. In addition to that, he helps a private investigator - Emerson Cod - solve murders for profit. He does that by bringing the victims back from the dead for one minute to question them. Because he can do that. If the dead he brings back stay alive for longer than a minute, however, something else must die in their place. He does this a lot with plants, but not so much animals. It's not a power he advertises and he'll certainly try to keep it to himself here. That said, if anyone wants to plot some dying craziness at any point - I'm more than happy for it.

Ned will be joining the cook staff here. He'll serve you with a smile when he's less terrified of being here. And your fruit and vegetables might just seem a bit fresher now that he's here. Also pie. Who wants pie?

He will have been informed by Art/Carl that there are undead folk here. Given that he makes dead things undead(/alive again) and undead things dead again, he's probably going to avoid /all/ the touching. But if he's around people more often (Hal, for example) he'll probably ask them if they are so he can be extra careful with the not touching.

Erm. I've put up an open with him just arriving and panicking, so if anyone's character wants to deal with that. Good luck? XD
