September 10th, 2013


[No Subject]

Hi folks,

Just a reminder, Monday is a day off for the carnival. Feel free to have your characters getting a little R&R. It's not about slacking entirely, though! There might be some odd jobs, washing/cleaning of clothing, some practice to be done, or perhaps animal training? But, basically what it means; there's no shows, no stands or selling, no performing necessary of any kind.

Town visits, wandering, relaxing! All good. Annoy someone with a truck to take you for a drive!

We'll close the poll regarding journals/network in a few days. Make sure you've voted. Though it looks pretty solid toward journals being favoured!

We'll discuss how they'll be introduced when it's closed.

Plot info is COMING SOON! Watch out for it. Oooo.

Some jobs have been added, but the page still needs to be prettied up. We're still always happy for suggestions too, if you've got them.

I think that's it for now!

Thank you.

Nina & Sara.