August 30th, 2013



[No Subject]

Just wanted to say how much I :heartbubble: our mods for doing all this research and making this game so immersive. That has to take some serious time-chunkage! Here, here!


Another policy post, sorry..

Hi again!

Once everything gets going we promise there will be less of these. But because we haven't really covered this in the rules, we wanted to go over our policy on drama. When you throw a bunch of people together under pretty extreme circumstances sparks are bound to fly. I think we can all appreciate that, and when it's planned it's generally a lot of fun. When it's unplanned, from our experience, it can go a few ways and not all of them good. This is once situation where that OOC≠IC (and vice versa) rule comes into play.

Firstly, we never want drama to be motivated by personal feelings towards another player. Secondly, though, if you do find yourself in a situation that explodes in a way you hadn't intended, and you find yourself getting quite worked up/upset along with you character, take a break. Maybe call it a night if it's late or else go for a walk or watch some television or do that thing you should be doing.. Calm down and come back to it later. Contact the other person involved to make sure everything's cool. Making assumptions that they're not, or holding onto hurt or a grudge is not what we want to see and can easily loop back on the OOC≠IC issue. It can often be avoided if you just talk to each other! That said, if you do still feel there is an issue, please bring it to us – that's what we're here for. :)

Oh, and please don't post anything in the OOC in the midst of it. Wait till things have calmed down and if you still feel the need to excuse your character or whatnot, then do so.

That said, with the absence of a proper network people are probably going to have to put their money where their mouth is a bit. Unfortunately, I imagine most of the carnyfolk will only egg them on. :E But, following what we posted the other day, if certain characters do prove more trouble than they're worth their fit may have to be reconsidered. :/

So to reiterate, drama can happen, take a break if you need it, talk to each other and us, and hopefully have fun with it! :)

Nina and Sara

The 1930s and you!

And another! This one's not so modly though. :) We simply wanted to go over a couple of 1930s things that might impact on your characters. (We stole your title, Sascha.. sorry/thanks!)

Alcohol )

Contraception )

Technology )

All right, that's probably enough babbling for now. Thanks guys!


Right! This one is about accommodation/housing, so it's okay.

We plan to add some words, pictures and videos to it, but for now – at the very least – we have your character's 'default' accommodation. Meaning the one they'll be assigned to when they arrive. They are welcome to move around and we'll probably get a housing page with character names on it going at some point in the next fortnight. Though bear in mind, if you do take a spot that belongs to someone who isn't here yet.. they will still be assigned to that place when they arrive. I imagine if it's a trailer they might want to keep that prime bit of real estate, so you might find yourself back in a tent. Tents are probably easier for people to shuffle between.

This information will wind up on that page, just typed better and more concisely, which I'm not quite ready for yet. ANIMAL PEOPLE. You will also have access to the cages/carts your animals were in (or pulling in the case of the poor elephant). If you want to do something with these you're welcome to. There's an actual lion cage that's being used as more of a storage cage atm.

ROUGHIES/ROUSTIES. You get to sleep in, on or around the trucks. Maybe if someone's nice they'll let you in a tent. :E You can have stuff to sleep on though!

Oh, and not that we have any yet.. but the cooks get a little tent right near the cook house.

If we've missed anyone, please let us know. And we'll let you know when we have a housing page done and you can start shuffling people around (although you can before then, but in a recording it sense).

Nina and Sara

[No Subject]

Well now seems a pretty good to introduce myself and my character. I'm Kate and I know a lot of people will remember me, and this is Grey, and I'm sure a lot of people will remember her as well. Only she's not that Grey. Having RPed her for six months in a relationship with a wonderful man I worked out the other half I'd given her was completely wrong.

And thus this Grey was born - an ex-protesting, angry, cynical feminist. She's pretty touchy about a number of things (which largely boil down to inequality). She isn't all bad though, she's very loyal, unafraid to stand up for people and hard working. Her bio's in her journal if anyone wants to know more about her.

She does kind of come with a blanket NSFW warning though, on account of her swearing. Also I'd just like to point out anything she says is IC and in no way connected to how I feel OOC.