August 28th, 2013


Epic Post

Hi Folks,

Firstly, sorry for what will likely be a barrage of posts over the next few days. This one's going to cover some IC things we've been asked about and some things we feel the need to cover. It is epically long and we highly recommend taking it a section at a time. Before you run for the hills, though, please ask us your questions and state your concerns here. It is not our intention to alienate you with AH, RULES or anything like that, but rather explain our reasoning and highlight the TALK TO US. If we're being too crazy, let us know. XD We want this game to be fun, but we want there to be restrictions on the character due to the setting/environment and Management's desire not to cause TOO much trouble. So it's something they have to adapt to 'realistically'. If that makes sense? We want it to be /part/ of the fun, not hamper the fun.

Arrival )

IC/Management Rules )

Supernatural(/Murdery) Issues )

Seriously, sorry for the essay. We just wanted to be clear about our thoughts and motivations. But really, if you have any thoughts/input/questions/anything, post them! <3

Nina and Sara