Aug. 22nd, 2011


an alleyway meeting

WHO: Barton and Thursday
WHAT: requesting a unique sort of reconnaissance
WHERE: Thursday has alleys. Some alleys, she lets others know about.
WHEN: shortly after sundown, August 22

Normally, Thursday doesn't like to be found. Kindred are strong, and it doesn't matter that she is one of them, or that her clan's blood gives her the strength to be a monster. Because, frozen in time like this, she will always be smaller than them. And she doesn't want to be a monster.
It's better and safer to hide in the shadows and the alleys.

All that being said, sometimes being found has its uses: she's no idiot to turn away the opportunity for allies. So she makes herself available in the early hours of the night, in the back-alley lot of an old factory building, nowadays rented out for cheap storage. But there's a pizza joint around the corner, and there's enough scraps in its trash (and a enough sympathy from the cooks) to keep the kids fed. The real kids, that is.

Here, against the dirty brick and cracked asphalt, Thursday holds her own kind of court, the subtle pull of her status as a predator giving her an aura of influence despite her apparent age.

Aug. 14th, 2011


[event] Palace, underground floors

[Please make sure to read this OOC post before tagging! Characters part of the underground will have known and can participate in this thread immediately. Other characters who would have reason to be here, let us know!]

Who: Mekhet Rescue Party
What: Finding and rescuing (hopefully)
Where: Floor B5, of The Palace Hotel.
When: Sunday night (August 14), 3 a.m.

Evans placed the sticks of dynamite down near the end of the tunnel and motioned for everyone to stand back, and for the love of god, turn off heightened senses.

3...2...1...the blast shook the building's foundation, but in California, brief tremors and earthquakes were daily news, so few people would actually notice. Plus, even if someone important did notice, it'll take them awhile to find the right floor.

Parts of the exterior wall ricocheted off the ground, ceiling, and walls of the white hallway that was now exposed. Two guards at the end of the hallway were now already running towards the opening. But the Mekhet were ready, they had come here ready to fight.