Aug. 14th, 2011


[event] Midnight Mass

[Please make sure to read this OOC post before tagging! Characters are free to have been in the church during any point of the description.]

Who: ALL
What: The Mekhet are burning down the Bishop's church, rescuing captured Mekhet
Where: Lancea Sanctum Church
When: Sunday night (August 14), 3 a.m., 2 hours after mass ended.

Mass had started exactly at midnight, as usual. Penthesilea's voice had carried her thoughts effortlessly, and tonight, she paid particular thanks to the Sheriff: Eran Anah. May his soul be saved, even though we are members of the damned, for his contributions to the covenant, and to God, have been endless.

As custom, after mass, many sanctified stayed in the church, repenting, or meeting to discuss covenant affairs.

At 3 a.m., an extremely uncomfortable heat surrounded the church, and within minutes, it was clear that the building was on fire. Three members of the Mekhet underground kicked open the doors, each individual carrying a container of gas and a lighter. If they were frightened for their lives, their faces did not show it.

By 3:15 a.m., the benches inside the church were ablaze, and no amount of smoke was setting off the sprinklers. Some kindred were in Rotschreck. Others fled. A few, including Penthesilea, had become blurs of their own, and were pursuing the three perpetrators who would commit this unspeakable evil against God.


When Damion found a trap door beneath the altar, he slowed down, adapted to the shadows and entered a cold, marble room. He hoped Valerie and Thomas would be able to buy him enough time. He placed his finger to his temple and activated his heightened sight. There was no one else down here -- wait. Oh my god. Then, he saw her. "Alice," he whispered. They weren't sure they'd fine anyone here, much less -- "Oh god Alice" -- a fellow Mekhet they thought had been already lost.

Rushing to her side, Damion nearly tripped over the chains that bound her ankles and wrists. Alice was suspended, near the back of the room, a stake in her heart. The room, even with his normal sense of smell, reeked of blood and dead beetles.

As he pulled out the stake, a bright light flood the room. The trap door had been opened, and Damion temporarily stood blind. Penthesilea's voice echoed through the walls. "Eran. Get them."