Cado Superum

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7/11/09 11:49 pm - [info]famine_fatal

Limos frowned at his drink, his Blackberry unearthly silent as the buzz of the club disappeared into the background. He was, usually, rather talkative, but tonight he wasn't. The cops were backing off him as a main suspect, but the mysterious 'M' kept sending him things, texting him...and otherwise not telling him who they were.

He didn't like not knowing.

So he wasn't dancing tonight, he wasn't partying it up, and after a while he stood, paid his tab and left. What was the point of sulking into a drink around fat people if you couldn't enjoy the fact that they were all starving themselves to death? Nothing, if you asked him. His Blackberry buzzed, and he frowned again as he pulled it out of his pocket and peeked at it.

Leaving so soon?

He didn't know the number, but he was starting to learn he didn't need to. 'M' was the only one that ever texted him like that, and he was starting to find it annoying. Who knew stalkers could be annoying?

Where they at least thin? Might not be so bad if they were. The phone buzzed again.

Y wont u ever answer me?

Frowning he sighed as he found a park bench to plop down on.

I don't even know u. He hit send, and waited.

u could.

y should i?

arent u curious?

He frowned, a little.

ill met u at home.

...That didn't sound all that promising. But then again, it wasn't like they were a theoi. At least, most likely they were not.

6/5/09 08:13 pm - [info]banishedruin

She had been tempted to stay in Vegas, simply because she knew he was taunting her about going to New York. She wasn't dumb - she knew he was playing her as well as she knew what the strange weather patterns in Vegas probably meant. After the first two days however the weather was back to normal and she'd taken care of what pressing business there was, and had ended up back on a plane. From the plane, there was a cab, and that cab was dropping her off at her brother's home, completely unexpected - for him at least. She'd had a few hours of working this out in her head.

For a moment or two she just stood outside his door, glaring at it, trying not to think of all the reasons she was there, and then knocked.

She c ould only hope he was home... she had no idea what she'd do if he wasn't.
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5/5/09 10:14 am - [info]famine_fatal

Fashion, it was the way of the world if you asked Limos. It had a curious mix of starvation for a perfection that was never achievable, and a need to be ‘healthy’ that just went beyond healthy at all points. It was intoxicating for Famine, who could breathe in the scent of decay as if it were the sweetest of perfumes. No one would ever think Limos was a beautiful man, gods forbid that, but he was certainly a desirable one in this world. He had the thinnest models, the best shows, and knew all the right people.

It was why Limon Théoden was the most sought after agent, and why designers were always sending him samples- in hopes he’d bite.

Jennie, call Kia Montgomery )

3/26/09 02:15 am - [info]famine_fatal - I fleee...

Limos couldn't scramble out of the museum fast enough, glancing back to see Horkos and Eris coming out a bit more slowly. Damn, that was the most fucked up crap.

"This is why I do not do get togethers," Limos muttered, sighing as he looked back and restrained a laugh. Hori was trying to carry Kia out of the Museum, but the boy looked pretty ridiculous, stumbling along the steps as he seemed to bitch about the unpleasantness of the night.

"Hey, you want to help?" Horkos called out finally, giving Limos no time to really escape to the luxury of his condo and a glass of wine. "Well?"

"You could have just left her in there, Hori..." Limos suggested, though he moved to help Hori carry their sister. "It isn't like anyone would have noticed?"

"You know, I sometimes wonder why we all think you are such an awesome big brother...."

"What?!" Ug, next time, he was skipping the reunion.

1/10/09 06:14 pm - [info]famine_fatal - Family reunion, take 1

WHO: Limos, Horkos and Ate
WHERE: Candle Cafe, NY
WHEN: Lunch! Well 10:40ish close enough


Limos was a well known face at the Candle Café, seeing as he was not only a big name in entertainment, but a big voice in the ‘go vegan’ campaigns. He was there before the store actually opened, “Limon Theoden” having called the moment Hori had made mention of things.

“Limon!” The manager smiled as the modeling agent walked into the store, pulling his sunglasses off as he grinned. “I can’t tell you how happy we are to play host to your family reunion. I had the cooks already start on the order you put in.”

“Charlie, Charlie, you are too good to me.”

“Hey, I like to keep my best business happy. You know half the girls that come in here always ask when you usually dine? They’re hoping to get a chance to catch your eye…”

Limos laughed, and pointed to the table, “You know Horatio, right? He’ll be here soon with our sister. “Oh, Charlie, can we get a couple of those martini’s? Horatio has to be in court later, but we can help loosen him up a little.”

Charlie needed, and Limos made his way to a table to settle into. Mm, he really liked this place. It was so cozy, and people were always wasting their lives away here.
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