02 June 2011 @ 08:03 pm
Theme #16: Let's Get Soaking Wet Fic 5 of 8  
TITLE: Steam
AUTHOR: [info]notreallyme10
A/N: Thanks to [info]mander3_swish for the fast beta!

The steam is so thick that it’s hard to breath. Justin’s hand slips on the wet tile and when he moves to readjust, Brian’s cock hits him even deeper. He gasps and hot, wet air fills his lungs.

His vision is a little bit blurry and he isn’t sure if it’s from the steam or the way Brian has been relentlessly pounding into him for the last thirty minutes. His first orgasm was strong but as the second one approaches he knows it’s going to overwhelm him.

Brian’s hands move to his hips, pulling him back on each thrust forward.

The heat and the steam and Brian suddenly feel like too much. Like maybe Justin just might suffocate or pass out. He can feel his body starting to go limp, and Brian lets him slump against the wall of the shower without so much as a falter in his rhythm.

Everything narrows. All Justin can think about is breathing in and out. And Brian’s cock fucking him endlessly.

They come together this time. Brian makes that noise he makes when it’s so good it almost hurts, but he still manages to catch Justin before he crumples to the ground.
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later2nite: shower love[info]later2nite on June 3rd, 2011 05:34 pm (UTC)
I love this! Beautifully written and delicious to picture. Thank you.
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