12 November 2010 @ 03:29 pm
"Caught in the Act" Reminder  
Just a reminder that Theme #15: Caught in the Act fics are due Sunday at 5pm EST.

It isn't too late to sign up, and there are no length requirements. So start writing!!

PS. I've been very very sick and have to work this weekend, but I feel that a bunch of porn might help cure me. So help a fangirl out. :D
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rainbow1907: Brian & Justin Shower[info]rainbow1907 on November 13th, 2010 03:12 pm (UTC)
[info]frantic_quest suggested that I write a little something and join in the fun. Well I did as the plot bunny sort of attacked me ;) But it is not long (only 600 words) and I don't have time to get it betaed, so it might contain mistakes that I'm not aware of. What do you think, shall I send it in? And if yes, how... is it okay to add it in the form of a word document?

Rena :)
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Ny[info]not_yet_defined on November 13th, 2010 11:27 pm (UTC)
betaing is great but not required on action fics. 600 words is just fine. we don't have a word limit. I can do a quick read over of it for major glaring errors if you like. You can send it to action.bj@gmail.com as a word attachment or just copied and pasted into the email. It does need to have basic formatting, lj-cut etc. you can look at our profile page for more info on that.

and btw. YAY! I'm so glad you came out to play.
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rainbow1907: Brian & Justin You're Welcome[info]rainbow1907 on November 14th, 2010 12:13 am (UTC)
Okay, thanks! I just sent the email to you :) Rena
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