02 February 2010 @ 07:42 pm
~~~~THE GRAND UNVEILING~~~ & Theme #14: Amnesty  
Thanks to the generosity of [info]brianslave68 and [info]qafmaniac, we have a new layout complete with a gorgeous new header. [info]brianslave68 told me forever ago we could use it and then [info]besamislabios gifted us with a perm account and it seemed stupid to not use it, so [info]qafmaniac stepped up and VOILA.*

In celebration, [info]not_yet_defined and I have decided to host a new theme.


You can use any of the previous 13 themes for your fic or the theme that started it all. Here's your choices.
~Raw Fucking
~Theme #1: Rimming & Finger Fucking
~Theme #2: Toppy!Justin
~Theme #3: Frottage W/ Hair Play
~Theme #4: Outdoors
~Theme #5: Sex At Kinnetik
~Theme #6: Orgasm Control
~Theme #7: Justin Gets Fucked By Something Very Very Large
~Theme #8: Ides of March Challenge (Instructions)
~Theme #9: Season One With A Twist: Middle of the Night Sex at Deb's OR Brian Blows Justin at Deb's
~Theme #10: Choose Your Own Adventure (You must pick one thing from each category. 1. Noon or Midnight 2. Office or Studio 3. Finger Fucking or Snowballing)
~Theme #11: Sex In Public
~Theme #12: Without Words
~Theme #13: Snowbound

SIGN UP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sign ups are open until Midnight Friday and fics are due to action. bj @gmail. com no later than 7pm EST on Friday Feb. 12th
Don't forget to include: TITLE:

*icons are shareable but please credit both [info]qafmaniac & [info]brianslave68
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notreallyme10[info]notreallyme10 on February 3rd, 2010 01:59 am (UTC)
LOL! Why can't fandom be a job? I'd be so good at that job :)
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happier_bunny: b/j 403 chair sex[info]happier_bunny on February 3rd, 2010 02:01 am (UTC)
*sighs* I KNOW, me too. If I could just figure out a way to make $ doing it.
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