kari ([info]kari77) wrote in [info]bj_action on February 18th, 2009 at 07:02 pm
This was very hot, without question.
But what I like most about this story are the appearance of S1 Brian and Justin. From the beginning it is crystal clear what the time line is. Perfect.
Maybe I am "over-porned" (is that a word? lol) after reading all the entries, one after another, but what really got me here are the little hints of how much they care about each other, and that it's not all about the sex, even if one or the other would probably be quick to deny it. ;-)

I was still licking my lips when he pulled the door open. "Why, hello, Deb. I know this is a progressive establishment, but shouldn't you be using the ladies' room?"
lol This cracked me up.

I was huddling under the awning, pulling on my jacket, when I saw Brian's Jeep by the curb. I ran over, smiling, but it was empty. I stood there, confused, and then I felt a tug on my arm, and he pulled me against him.
*happy sigh*

The rain had wet his hair and skin, and scattered across his eyelashes. I licked it off his mouth before he kissed me.
And that made me even happier. =)

"You'd better be driving me home."

He pushed away from the wall and laughed. "Do I look like a taxi driver?" But after he fastened his jeans, he dropped his arm around my shoulder and steered me back out to the Jeep.

Heh, you soo care about him. You sooo love him. ;-)

Thank you so much. This story gave me a warm feeling in all the right places.
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