18 October 2007 @ 10:34 am
2007 Gift Exchange  
The fantabulous [info]ohfreckle is hosting the 2007 Gift Exchange! I implore you all to sign up CLICK LINK FOR DETAILS. And HURRY, sign ups close November 1

I think we should try to make this year's gift exchange even bigger than last year's!!!!!!!!

Also, check out [info]faile02's lastest creation: [info]liberty_diner. It's got all the latest fandom news!

PS. As soon as the Justin!Challenge fics go up, we'll be hosting a new theme here!
Current Mood: moody
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[info]noteverything on October 18th, 2007 10:01 pm (UTC)
I asked this question there, but never got an answer...

Can drabbles count? I know they're much shorter than other fic, so it doesn't seem fair really, but I'd be willing to do a certain number...the only other thing I've ever written is porn and I don't think it'd be right to impose that on someone...so many others write it better.

So anyway...can I do drabble/drabbles?
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happier_bunny: b/j 513 allcuzu[info]happier_bunny on October 19th, 2007 07:00 pm (UTC)
Did [info]ohfreckle ever answer your question? If not, let me know and I'll forward this to her! :)
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[info]noteverything on October 20th, 2007 03:40 pm (UTC)
She didn't reply, so I'd appreciate you forwarding it! Thanks...
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sanami276[info]ohfreckle on October 21st, 2007 05:19 pm (UTC)
One or two drabbles are certainly not enough, but I'd say you could write something fic-like that contains at least six or seven drabbles.

I'm sorry I didn't answer earlier, I've been having computer trouble :/
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