Posts Tagged: 'player:+lizzy'




I know I have not been as active as I would like recently, but... Things have not been the best for me recently and today really took the cake. All I am going to say is that my brother is a jerk and makes me feel awful all the time. And that triggered my depression so I been curled up in a corner all day.The energy to rp is not in me right now so I am going on hiatus for now. Not sure when i will be back, but I need to focus on me and my rollercoaster emotions. I love you all so please know that. Marissa, Chrissy,please text me or message me. Gonna need you more than I know. I'm scared for my well being so I'll be back soon. *sad face*



Hey everyone. Sorry I have not been as active as of late. I caught a really bad cold that had me in bed most of the time so my characters took a bit of a hiatus. Plus a friend of mine is in the hospital and another had strep. So things have been hairy as of late. But I am ready to play and will be assking for plot for my three current characters:Jo Psyche and Amy. Gonna be apping at least three more. Peter Pan the 9th Doctor and Erik from xmen. Yes no maybe on the last one? As such look forward to playing again!



Things returning to normal...

Hey everyone, Lizzy here. Just leaving a message to let you all know that In the next week or two, I will be coming back from hiatus. I really needed the break. But while my depression still has flareups every now and then, I am better than I was a month ago.Plus with my friend Tom in the hospital and the car having issues, things have been stressful at best. But things are returning to normal so I can devote more time to the community and app the two characters I have on hold. I know I have missed a lot lately so will someone like to inform me of what is going on? As a reminder: I play Psyche, Amy Pond and Jo Harvelle. All are available for plot so anyone want to plot? I am up for anything!




Hey guys, Lizzy here. Just going to let you all know that I am going to take a hiatus from game for a while. I been suffering from depression for a good long while and right now I am not in the right frame of mind to do anything RP wise other than the few tags I have been doing. I need to focus on me, and right now it's not looking pretty. I am suffering and its not in a good way. So I am putting all characters on hiatus, so for game purposes, just say that my characters are around and doing their normal business. I shall miss you all, and if you all need me, please e-mail me at I am sorry I have to take a hiatus now, but I need to feel like me again and I don't. If you all get concerned, email me. I will be back before you know it.

Morgan: Once I am back from hiatus, Radical Edward shall have her BFF back in action! And we mus plot!

Same goes for the rest of you. Love you all and hope to be back soon. <3



just letting you know...

Hey everyone,Lizzy here. Just thought I'd let you all know the reason why I have not been as active as I would like to be. First off,I currently work two jobs. One I LOVE and one I hate. I work mornings at the one I hate,which means I have to get up at the crack of dawn. I usually work till 12:30 my time. And the other job i work nights and afternoons and I love it cause I am on register unlike my other job where I just push grocery carts all day. And then there are days when I work both jobs,and I am do tired that all I have time for is something to eat and then crash when I get home. So needless to say I wont be as active as I want to but I am able to tag and stuff. As of now I have Psyche as my one character but debating on bringing Laura Hale from Teen Wolf,Jo Harvelle from Supernatural and maybe a male character but not sure. Jo and Laura are for sure and I'm debating Amy from DW. But we shall see now wont we? I hope to get more active in the next few days. In the mean time,anyone want to plot with Psyche? She could use some friends and such. Any takers? <3



Hi everyone! Some of you may know me from various games we have been in, others may not know me at all. In which case I shall introduce myself. I am Lizzy. Veteran rper, all knowing person of all things Doctor Who and the Beatles, and the most random person you have ever met. I was convinced by my best friend, Chrissy to join this game so I figured why not? I'm sure I will bring in more characters in the future, but for now you can interact with this beauty:

Say hello to Psyche from the Greek Mythology and I think she is the first mythology character in this game. Anyway, she is the wife of Eros(Cupid) and in the legends she is more beautiful than Cupid's mother, Venus, AKA Aphrodite. She hated Psyche when she was mortal because her beauty surpassed her own, and was never vain about it. Cupid however fell in love with her, and she with him. His mother didn't want the marriage to happen so she sent Psyche on various tasks and it got to the point where Cupid and Psyche begged Zeus to aid them in which he did. She is immortal, and has goddess powers. Personality wise, she is kind, loyal and will do anything in her power to help others. She does have a bad temper so watch out for that. She will be working at Lost in Time Antiques so interact with her if you like!

All plot is open for me, and if you wish to plot, leave a comment here, or IM me on irishdalek on AIM, or email me at or on twitter(un is irishdalek). I dont have internet at home, so if the off chance you see me online at home, send a message my way. I look forward to playing with all of you and I am sure there will be more characters of mine in this game. Let the plotting commence!