Posts Tagged: 'player:+aimee'



Okay - anybody else ever THINK you've done something and then realize later that you haven't at all? That's where I am right now. I SERIOUSLY thought that I'd intro'd these two guys before tonight. Then went to post tonight and realized 'nope. haven't! Or requested membership to the comms!' Sorry about that guys. I readily admit that I failed. Please keep the objects you pelt me with small and soft - I have to work this weekend and really don't want bruises.

Anyway! On to the introductions: First off is this guy - Michael Glass from Morganville Vampires. Michael is a vampire but he's used to getting his blood from the town blood bank so no worries about him feeding from people all over Daytona. He's a musician and is coming in with his guitar (acoustic not his electric one) and he's going to be living in 301 with Dyson, Parker and Hermione - he promises to do his best not to wake his roommates up in the middle of the night playing music.

I've also got Arthur Pendragon from BBC Merlin who is coming in from the end of the series so anybody want to volunteer to stumble across a seriously injured/dying king and take him to the hospital/heal him? That would be awesome and he would seriously owe you. He'd also really appreciate it if someone could get in touch with Merlin because - he's going to be pretty helpless for a little while and need help and...that's Merlin's job right? No he'll be...not awful to Merlin. He's going to be rooming in 802 with Merlin and the Elena's (that'll be fun for him - living with the AU and Canon version. I'm excited about him having to deal with that. He's not but pfft - no one asked him).

I'm also getting ready to bring in three more people but I haven't turned them in yet (and have put a sticky note on my computer desk to remind me to ask to join the comms!) so we'll deal with them later. If anybody wants plot with either Arthur or Michael it would be awesome and love. I also play: Amycus Carrow, Rick Grimes, Hale Santiago, Finn Collins and Beth Hastings and they would all love more plot too. :)



Hello all! Aimee here bearing her second character (he would have been intro'd sooner but extra shifts and weather being a dick where I live messed up that plan). Anyway on to the important stuff.

This is Amycus Carrow from the Harry Potter series. Amycus is going to be in 502 (hey Bellatrix. He's glad to have a roommate that he knows) and is coming from 1982. He got the Dark Mark at 18 and set about doing everything he could to make sure he lived up to the expectations and desires of Voldemort. And...enjoyed it. He can be polite and charming when the mood strikes/the situation calls for it, even coming across as nice at times, but he's really not the guy you want to count on to have your back. If he feels that it's in his best interest he will throw you to the wolves.

You can find out about him here. I'm up for whatever plots people want with him (and also Beth of course).

Oh! And they've finally given me set days off at work each week - Sunday's and Wednesdays and set me on the evening shift so I'll be around late night/early morning for stuff.



Hi all! I'm Aimee and well my hours of availability tend to be all over. But I'm pretty sure you guys are all more interested in finding out about this young lady right here than you are about me.

This is Beth Hastings. Now Beth is a native to this world (and an original character because...I have no reason for not bringing in a fandom character for my first one other than I wanted to bring her) and a vampire. Yep that's right - vampire. She got turned by accident about 100 years ago and her sire pretty much sucked - blamed her for him turning her (because that makes sense - he attacked her but it's her fault? No), taught her how to feed and then took off. But she's learned more or less how to take care of herself and keep from getting caught. Mainly by moving to a new city whenever it looks like people are starting to notice the bodies and that a lot of them were last seen with a young woman with dark hair.

She's friendly, a little flirty actually, and enjoys going out and having fun with people. And she rarely ever bites people she actually considers a friend. Without their permission. She has some manners after all. Anyway it's almost three A.M. here and I am rambling so I'm going to end by saying go read about her here please and then come plot with me! She's going to be in 202 with Kira Yukimura (hi roommate!)

You can reach me on here, or by email: or on AIM: aimadahla1986. I tend to almost always be invisible on AIM but I'm normally on evenings/late night depending on my work schedule.