Posts Tagged: 'beth+hastings+%28wontfoolmetwice%29'



Who: Jeremy Tell & Beth Hastings
When: January 12th, 1:30am
Where: Out and about town
What: Drinking in the dark
Rating: High! (For language, adult fun, and stuff.)

Dealt a bad hand. )



Who: Sherr and beth
When: Backdated;Nighttime
Where: Lobby, then around the city
What: Guided tour? Who knows
Rating: TBD.
Status: Incomplete.

I wont meet a friend//in a bar tonight )



Who: Beth and Open to Anyone
When: Backdated to Thursday August 26th, after sunset of course
Where: Malanore Apartments
What: Beth was dropping off a belated thank you gift and then ran into someone
Rating/Warnings: Low (will update if this changes)
Status: Closed/in progress

“...” )



Who: Stefan and Beth
What: Meeting
When: Bendy time during the sickness stuffs.
Where: The beach
Warnings: None at the moment.

i've got this energy beneath my feet, like something underground's gonna come up and carry me. i've got this sentimental heart that beats but i don't really mind and it's starting to get to me now  )



Who: Beth and Armand
What: Saving the baby vampire
When: Thursday night/Friday morning
Where: Out somewhere in Daytona to start
Warnings: Zombie attack! and mentions of blood drinking

She should have stayed in )