Posts Tagged: 'amy+pond+%28itsallfairytale%29'



Who: Luna Lovegood, Open
What: A band of angry locals goes after Luna
Where: Eventually the Malanore lobby
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings | Status: Violence and verbal abuse | In progress

She had simply slipped out for a breather )



Who: Faith and Amy
What: The two get in trouble and are arrested. Neither have IDs, making it clear that they aren't going to be let out until personal information is given to the police. Which most likely isn't happening any time soon...
When: Just after curfew
Where: Random street and then prison
Warnings: TBD, probs just snark...lots of snark

Law men have put an end to my running and I'm so far from my home )



Who: Silvanous;OTA
What: Hanging out,flaunting his power
When: Sunday evening.
Where: In Town
Warnings: Feel free to have people fall under his 'siren spell'

Let's get these teen hearts beating faster. )