Posts Tagged: 'sharon+carter'

Jan. 15th, 2022




Who: Sharon and Mobius
What: Powerbrokers don’t get Workman’s comp.
When: Mid-January
Where: Madripoor
Warnings: Mushy stuff? Some injury descriptions
Status: Completed via Gdoc

Sharon had to tie up loose ends. )

Dec. 26th, 2021




Who: Sharon and Mobius
What: Christmas
When: Dec 25
Where: Sharon’s apartment
Warning: None
Status: Completed via Gdoc

...but maybe there were a *couple* questions about feelings... )

Dec. 15th, 2021




Who: Bruce Banner and Sharon Carter (Banter)
What: Confessions and a break up
When: Early December
Where: Out for Coffee
Warning: Low/None
Status: Completed via Gdoc

I’m trying to figure out what… what’s going on in here. )

Dec. 3rd, 2021




WHO: Mobius & Sharon
WHAT: A Christmas tree, decorating, making some confessions and trying to be adults about feeling feelings
WHERE: Sharon's apartment
WHEN: IDK Friday night?
STATUS: Complete

What I want for you is whatever you want for yourself. )

Nov. 18th, 2021




Who: Bruce and Sharon
What: Hanging out
When: November 2
Where: Bruce’s apartment
Warning: Low/None
Status: Completed via Gdoc

There could be dark and dangerous things around any corner. So, they should take advantage, right? Live while they’re here, enjoy every minute. )

Oct. 24th, 2021




Who: Banter
What: First Official Date
When: Wednesday, Sept 8, 6pm
Where: Starting in the Lobby
Rating/Warning: Low/none
Status: Completed via Gdoc

Healing well, thank you. I have my full range of motion back. So you don’t need to worry about ethics anymore. )

Oct. 14th, 2021




WHO: Mobius, Loki, Sharon
WHAT: Loki pops through a Timedoor to help heal Sharon, who has been shot (AGAIN :D)
WHERE: Madripoor, Sharon's Penthouse
WHEN: After this
STATUS: Complete

Don't encourage her. )

Oct. 10th, 2021




Who: Sharon and Mobius
What: A trip (Sharon has business)
When: 10/9 to 10/10
Where: Madripoor
Warning: Handwaved sexy times, offscreen violence/murder, TW: blood, emergency medical treatment, prescription drug use
Status: Completed via Gdoc

I’m okay. I’m fine. You should see the other guy. )

Sep. 11th, 2021




WHO: Sharon & Mobius
WHAT: Burritos (and a Talk™)
WHERE: A hole-in-the-wall Mexican place and then back to the Tower
WHEN: September 4th-ish
STATUS: Complete

Coming back to the Tower in San Francisco hadn’t been as hard as she thought it would be. )

Aug. 27th, 2021




Who: Sharon Carter, brief special guest star Remy LeBeau
What: Checking in on interests
When: August 23 - August 28
Where: Madripoor
Warning: Low/None
Status: Completed via Gdoc

She had established something of a name for herself in Madripoor as being a woman who could make connections, a woman who got shit done by connecting people, convincing people, using her words as weapons. )

Aug. 18th, 2021




Who: Bruce Banner and Sharon Carter
What: A movie
When: Sunday (8/8)
Where: Walking through New York
Warning: is awkward Bruce a warning?
Status: Completed via Gdoc

I'm just easy to please )

Aug. 16th, 2021




Who: Darcy and Sharon
What: Spa day
When: Friday 8/6
Where: Out to a cafe
Warning: None
Status: Completed via Gdoc

She's a pretty powerful being. Wanda. Always seemed like a very sweet person. I wish I'd had a chance to get to know her. )

Aug. 8th, 2021




Who: Mobius and Sharon
What: Shakespeare in the Park, Burgers and milkshakes
When: Saturday 8/7
Where: ...in the park
Warning: Low/None
Status: Completed via Gdoc

People *do* seem to blip in and out from what I’ve read so I understand being cautious. I guess on the flip side you kind of just have to take the time you have while you have it. )

Aug. 5th, 2021




Who: Sharon Carter and Bruce Banner
What: Checking Sharon’s stitches
When: After her coffee meeting with Mobius
Where: The Clinic
Warning: discussion of woundcare
Status: Completed via Gdoc

That was the kind of line that might have come across as lecherous if delivered in a different way, from a different person. )




Who: Mobius and Sharon Carter
What: A cup of coffee and a chat
When: August 3
Where: STARBUCKS, in the lobby
Warnings: Not much! Sharon is just chilling with a gunshot wound
Status: Complete

You know, I thought you were a good guy--you certainly seem trustworthy. But when you promise not to spoil television shows it *proves* it. )

Aug. 2nd, 2021




Who: Sharon Carter and Tony Stark
Where: New Avengers Tower
When: Monday, August 2 - Night
What: Sharon is confused
Warnings: None
Status: Complete

Read more... )