July 1st, 2009

[info]shygod in [info]athinblackline

Who: Shy (his Computer personality), OT anyone with Internet access
When: Wednesday July 1st, evening
Where: Shy's room/the Internet
What: Shy is working on the Tournament, Computer is bored
Computer was excited for the chance to communicate with someone other than the surly young mutant it shared head space with. )
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[info]endless_sky in [info]athinblackline

Who: Nox + Endless
When: Wednesday, July 1st, around noon
Where: training room
What: Green Block training session

darkness and light )
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[info]victor_creed_ in [info]athinblackline

Who: Victor Creed OTA Gambit
What: Victor arrives at Revolve in shackles
Where: Cargo plane, runway, outside Green block
When: Wednesday July 1st, morning.

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. )