Mar. 17th, 2009


World Info Repost for General Reference

This is a repost of the information originally included with the expedition plot back in October. As the information is still accurate and is now relevant for many of them again as they're out in the real world we're reposting it here and linking for ease of reference. This is also a place where you are welcome to ask any questions you might have on general world history and mythology, as we have no delusions that we've exhaustively covered everything that anyone might possibly want to know about the world.

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Oct. 7th, 2008


One more update on the world at large!

Just some more detailed info that may or may not be of use to our intrepid explorers.

The worldwide age of consent is 16, drinking age for beer and wine is 16 and it's 18 for hard liquor. The driving age is 18.

Homosexuality has been an accepted part of life for well over two hundred years (yay progress) and gay marriage is no more stigmatized than heterosexual marriage.

Body modification, while no more common than in anyone's home world, is significantly more technologically advanced and thus can be very...drastic...and creative in the sub-cultures that are into it. One of those sub-cultures is, of course, the rather small, radically fringe group that's obsessed with the mythology of mutants.

A whole slew of cheap, legal, and non-addictive recreational drugs are available and moderately common, though there are still a few that are illegal, expensive, addictive and dangerous.

One of these is a drug that gives humans a limited and unpredictable range of superpowers for a short period of time. It's very expensive and very illegal, but there's a significant black market for it and it's not unheard of to see news reports of disturbances caused by 'abusers' who couldn't control whatever temporary powers it gave them or simply abused those powers.

For the museum displays involving mutants. There are not many photos, they were salvaged from estates and what not mostly long after the epidemic had run its course. Most of them are news photos of the X-Men in uniform and 'in action' and of Genosha and its royal family. There are some few 'candids' as well, which include a very few pics of the X-Men at home at the Xavier Institute, some of them with students visible in the background. If your character's alt appears in one of the pictures the resemblance should be evident but not to the point of people thinking they're the reincarnation of some ancient mutant though they might be taken for some distant descendant of a depowered survivor if people are paying attention...unless they have the misfortune to run into a mutant obsessed freak.

If there's anything else we haven't covered that you'd like info about, feel free to hit one of us up or just ask here. There are all sorts of details that can be filled in.

Oct. 3rd, 2008


Expedition Plot Update

Following is a recap of the teams and their destinations, with their arrival points and general information about their intended plot points. Beyond the - very few - things dictated for them, each team is free to explore and interact with each other and NPCs of your creation as they please. At the end there are some general notes on the state of the world as well as information on the fate of the world's mutant population. This is for your reference in interacting with NPCs. Please keep in mind that the people of this world, even the anthropologists, do not have accurate information on mutants. It's a mostly myth and legend built up and skewed around bits and pieces of fact. Remember, teams have to stay at least loosely together, but you can certainly thread only portions of your team at a time, and communication is always open back to Genosha via the journals. Please feel free to ask any of us modly types if you have any suggestions or questions of any kind about the world in general or the missions/teams in particular.

The Teams )