May. 28th, 2008


Squicks and Triggers and Warnings and Cut Tags

Please read this carefully, this post will be linked and tagged for future ease of reference.

We're all responsible adults here and we all know that there are some things that can conceivably come up in RP which could be problematic for some people. Some things might just gross someone out beyond their willingness to tolerate, such as some varieties of torture, violence, or graphic sexual situations, while some might actually rise to the level of a trigger, which could cause emotional harm to an unsuspecting reader who's susceptible to it.

With this in mind, we want to make sure that any posts with potential squicky or triggering content is warned for and, if the material appears in the opening post, placed under a cut tag. We understand that sometimes a thread that starts innocuously can take an unexpected turn farther down the line, if this happens then please go back and edit a warning into the subject of the opening post as well as into the subject of the post where the potentially problematic material first appears.

In the interest of making sure that any subjects which are particularly distressing to any members of the comm are specifically warned for, we'll be keeping a list in this post. Out of respect for our fellow players, anything appearing in this post should always be warned for and cut if it appears in the opening post.

List )

Feel free to reply to this post (anonymous commenting is fine) or let a mod know if there's anything you'd like to see added to this list.

ETA: Also, if anything occurs to your character in-game that the mods or other players should be aware of please let us know. We try to read everything but sometimes we miss stuff, so if a character logically would/or should intervene IC just give us a heads up, please!