Jun. 4th, 2008


Experience List

... We'll fill in more info here soon. This is for the list that was discussed in chat, which will help to determine, both IC and OOC, who will be in leadership positions or assigned to certain things. Please copy the following into a reply and fill it out for each character that you play:

<*u>Character name and canon:<*/u>
<*u>Character's age:<*/u>
<*u>Training experience:<*/u> This includes DR sims. Give us whatever they have. Years, weeks, days?
<*u>Field experience:<*/u> Again. Whatever they've had.
<*u>Leadership experience:<*/u> Please let us know how many years of experience they've had as well as how many people they led, if applicable.
<*u>Special skills:<*/u> Anything that would make it more practical to have them in charge of or involved in certain things. Tech skills? Surveillance?