Mar. 7th, 2009


Watch Schedule )

Please comment with questions, changes or suggestions.

Also, please rep to let me know you've read it? Thanks.

Mar. 4th, 2009



With all the comings and goings I'm revamping the watch schedule. So could you please reply HERE with your characters who are not only still on the island, but would be willing to take a watch shift or two.

Thank you.

(using Jay!baby pic because I want to, damn it!)

Aug. 19th, 2008


Here's the new (tentative) Watch Schedule. Please reply HERE if you'd like something to be changed. There have been significant changes made, so please look it over, even if you don't have a new character.

Watch Schedule )

I've left the old schedule up in OOC so you can use it for refrence. I also deleted comments as I added characters, so don't be surprised if your comment isn't there.

Jun. 30th, 2008


Watch Schedule

Night Watch Schedule )