Nov. 6th, 2012


Okay everyone! Here's the list!

Let us know if it needs changes. )

Nov. 2nd, 2012


November has arrived!

And the cold weather isn't the only thing on the horizon! November is epidemic month! This is the first plot arc in a series of arcs we're going to be instituting in order to try and make game lively and fun for all once more!

This month, we're kicking things off with a month long event: The Mutant Epidemic. Essentially, characters (of your own choosing) are going to get very, very sick. And there will be nothing the healers can do about it. In fact, many of them may be getting ill as well.

Participation is not mandatory. You do not have to have any of your characters get sick. But, the plot will be running this month. So, if you do not wish to participate, we do have options, other than simply having your character linger in the background. If you wish to explore options, please speak to a mod.

How will this work? )

Where did the sickness come from? )

Why weren't they affected until now? )

So how does it work? )

Who can be infected? )

How long will it last? )

Can I kill characters? )

How will it end? )

Once an epidemic has been effectively recognized, the mansion will divide into two separate quarantines. Those who are ill and those who may become ill. Please keep this in mind when making your choices.

We will not officially launch this plot until we have heard from everyone. Please leave your lists here of which characters you plan to infect - and know it is entirely changeable up until your character actually shows symptoms/receives a diagnosis.

If you have any questions, please speak to a mod. We're spottier than usual, so if you don't see us around, please don't hesitate to email us or get in touch with us in other ways. You may also leave any questions and comments here.

Have fun plotting!

Jul. 7th, 2012



So, while hanging out in the bunkers Friday night to Saturday morning, volunteers were needed to keep watch and be first responders to any threats that might potentially come along. If one of yours volunteered, please let us know here.

Please keep in mind, the Leadership would prefer experienced members of the community over the age of eighteen, with control of their abilities to be first wave. Others offering their services will also be accepted, but will likely end up with shifts of monitor and/or hall duty.

If you're unsure where one of your characters will have ended up, please contact a mod or leave a query here and we will let you know.

Jun. 4th, 2011


Hey, everybody!

So, we're just about ready to get going, but before we do there is one big thing that needs to be figured out, and that is... it's been seven months since we last heard from everyone. What have your characters been up to?

We're going to pretend that the game closed this past December, instead of last year. It's been 7 months instead of over a year, but still a lot can happen in that amount of time.

As for the general answer to that question, it's been business as usual for everyone. People have been working on getting settled into the world, some may even have jobs, some might be perfectly happy just hanging out at the mansion. They can have regular interactions with people in the outside world, but everyone would have been warned against getting close enough to anyone that they might feel compelled to out themselves as mutants. There's still a big question mark about how that revelation would be received, so they're continuing to play it safe.

We're planning on having a chat on Monday, at 7pm EST to hammer out details and get the game ready to kick off, but we're going to ask that everyone post here to let us know what happened so we have it in one place for reference. Feel free to talk things out with other players before chat, as that will probably make it easier to work out the bigger things when chat rolls around.

Sep. 13th, 2009


The time is nigh and we're moving on

We've officially begun the process of phasing out dropped characters. Older Jean-Paul will be the first to be sent home by the teleporters. Others will follow. If you've changed your mind and want to keep or drop any characters at this time please let us know.

GA!Kurt posted on Friday in search of JP. Warren will be posting similarly today.

Facts as they will remain regarding his disappearance are as follows:

- Jean-Paul left for a business trip on Wednesday, September 9th.
- He attended to business as required of him.
- On Friday, September 11th, Warren returned home from the business trip but was not accompanied by Jean-Paul, who had left earlier to return home.
- Jean-Paul has officially not been seen since.

Because he was a high profile member of our community, steps will be taken to officially cover up his disappearance. Any players with members in the Leadership are welcome to have their characters post questions, concerns and ideas.

A finalized decision and planned course of action will be announced by GA!Kurt once one has been reached.

Please Note: Any finalized communication or events with Jean-Paul that you wish to reference must be approved by Zhenya.

We will be spacing out all phasing out of dropped characters and will be posting a finalized drop list soon. We will then assign a teleportation schedule so that everyone will know who is going missing and when they will be disappearing, so that your characters can react accordingly. If there are any questions, please comment here or snag a mod.

Sep. 11th, 2009


It's that time!

So, this is late, and we apologize. However, it's recently come to our attention that school has likely started for many of our college bound. Your character may have already begun school or may be beginning school as of next week. As for the high school, middle school and elementary education of the rest of our numbers, school will be starting Monday, September 14th officially.

As it will be important to game play and character availability, please leave a comment with a list of which of your characters will be enrolled in school (not pretending to be, but validly enrolled). And a note of which days they will be attending school for which sessions. You may simply say Morning, Afternoon or Evening. This information will be important for threading purposes.

You may have your character have a day off now and again when they would regularly be engaged in school. As they will not all be attending the same college and schools will have their own specially oriented days off that do not coincide with others. However, any local, state, or national holidays will be mod controlled as they will effect every character's availability. Religious holidays are non inclusive and up to the player, with the understanding that they are acknowledged legitimate absences from school.

Aug. 31st, 2009


Okay, kiddies! Time to wrap it up! Fun as it's been torturing the cast, it's time to set things to rights. Starting Friday (though you can begin forward dating Thursday) the depowered members of our community will revert. They haven't had another dosage and so it's back to mutantdom for them! To keep order and insure everyone is properly reverted, reversion will happen in the exact same order as everyone was hit.

The order )
Tags: ,


Mod Notice Regarding Drops

As everyone knows, sometimes a character just doesn't gel the way you'd like them to and a downside of ATF has been how difficult it is to drop those characters. Sometimes you might not want to play them anymore, but that doesn't necessarily mean you want them to die. Initially our reasoning for not allowing port outs for drops was that our characters were fresh from Mojo's clutches and it would have created entirely too much fear and worry about the slug possibly getting involved in their lives again. After a year and more for that fear to fade, we've decided that it's time to allow the portals to play a role in handling drops, so in the future players will be offered a choice between death or being randomly teleported home. If you have a character who just isn't working for you and would like to shuffle them off home in this fashion, feel free to post here or talk to a mod and we'll schedule it for you.

May. 10th, 2009



So, we realized that it would be a good idea for everyone to be able to figure out how long any given character's been around quickly and easily, to which end we'd appreciate it if you could all add your characters' intro dates in a reply to the calendar post here. It will have a link in the sidebar of the OOC comm for easy reference. Thanks all!

ETA: Also, added an "intro" tag to the IC comm. Anyone who wants to go back and find your own intros and tag them, that would be great, and I'll try to get to tagging all of the ones I can find this week otherwise. I'll be putting them on both closed 3d person intros and intro threads.

Mar. 2nd, 2009


Identification! Woo fake IDs!

Since we'll be heading out into the real world soon (very soon for some), everyone is going to need legal identification. It would, however, be incredibly suspicious if people who looked shockingly alike also had the exact same names. So for those with alts, this is just a little run-down on how the naming process would have been done.

Middle names would have been encouraged first, and then alternate names. It would be preferable to change last names before changing first names. The important thing to remember is that they will need to remember their fake names. So as much as Chibi!Kurt wants to go by Peter, Errol or Han, that would be inadvisable due to the fact that neither he nor anyone else will remember to use those names when referring to him.

List behind the cut )

So! Those of you with alts feel free to fight over who gets to be called what and let us know here and we will add them to the list!