1st August 2009

[info]countervail in [info]an_ill_wind

Who: Al Gumboil and Rita Skeeter
When: 31 July, 1980; late-ish.
Where: Al's flat; Ottery St Catchpole.
What: Cuddling. Talking.
Rating: PG - F for Fluff.
Status: Completed log.

I don't see myself when I look in the mirror. )

[info]zeeno in [info]an_ill_wind

The Quibbler
August 1980

Details on the Dark Army!

On 12 July 1980, our neighbors, the Weasleys, were attacked by the Dark Army. Most everyone in the family was hurt, and one child was kidnapped and is still in the custody of the Dark Army. Because of this attack, The Quibbler has received details regarding the makeup of the Dark Army, and we felt it was our duty to correct our mistake and warn the wizarding public of this threat. The Dark Army is in fact, led by the werewolf Fenrir Greyback, and has a number of werewolves, vampires, banshees, and hags at its disposal.

For your own protection, we would like to offer up the general weaknesses of the creatures that are a part of the Dark Army. Werewolves are vunerable to silver: it burns their skin, even when they are in human form. Vampires can be killed by a wooden stake to the heart, and are vunerable to sunlight, so they usually only travel at night. An American witch has suggested in a recent publication that vampires sparkle in the sunlight, but dear readers, this is not the truth. Vampires will be severely hurt or even killed in the sunlight. Banshees have very short lifespans and are scared of fire, while hags are slow and stupid, but can occassionally display short bursts of speed. (continued on page 3)

Table of Contents )

Back Panel of The Quibbler )

[info]ex_correspon130 in [info]an_ill_wind

WWN Broadcast - 01 August 1980

Your 8am News Recap with Doris Crockford )

[info]unyieldingstar in [info]an_ill_wind

Who: Death Eaters
When: Saturday morning, 8am
Where: Lestrange Manor
What: Duelling practice
Rating: Language and violence, I'm guessing
Status: IC/OOC log

Bellatrix does not care about your petty social engagements )

[info]illwindnpc in [info]an_ill_wind

Owl to Narcissa Malfoy )

[info]ex_notnice309 in [info]an_ill_wind

Who: Leoben and Evangeline Yaxley
What: Eva has important news.
Where: Yaxley Manor, Whitehaven - Leoben's Study
When: Saturday, 1 August, 1980 - Evening

Rating: PG
Status: Completed Log

Do you know what just started? I just came here to party. But now we're rockin' on the dance floor, actin' naughty )

[info]espionne in [info]an_ill_wind

WHO: All those invited
WHAT: Augustus and Rosalind's wedding
WHEN: Saturday, 1st August 1980, beginning at 2pm
WHERE: Jugson Estate, Derbyshire

Warning, Image Heavy )

October 2009



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