29th Aug, 2009


Placeholder for the Avery-Mulciber wedding! Will be put up when I have slept and have a spare moment to breathe.

12th Aug, 2009


Package for Madeline Mulciber )

Package for Christian Avery )

27th Jul, 2009


Owl to Evangeline Yaxley )

22nd Jul, 2009


Madeline's Bridal Shower

Who: Invited Society Ladies
What: A Bridal Shower for Madeline Mulciber
Where: Yaxley Manor, Whitehaven
When: 22 July, 1980- 2 PM
Status: OOC Log

Let all thy joys be as the month of May, and all thy days be as marriage Day. Let sorrow, sickness and a troubled mind be stranger to thee. )

21st Jul, 2009


Flurry of Owls!

Owls to Orsino & Lavinia Avery, Regulus Black & Guest, Amelia Bones & Guest, Alecto Carrow & Guest, Simon Gibbon & Guest, Beatrice Greengrass & Guest, Henry & Alexandra Greengrass, Rosalind Jugson, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus & Bellatrix Lestrange, Walden Macnair & Guest, Abraxas & Priscilla Malfoy, Lucius & Narcissa Malfoy, Andrew Mulciber & Guest, Roman & Ophelia Mulciber, Geoffrey Nott & Guest, Bryant & Davina Parkinson, Augustus Rookwood, Florence Rosier, Thorfinn Rowle & Guest, Severus Snape & Guest, Isobel Vullen, Daniel Wilkes & Guest, Leoben & Evangeline Yaxley )

5th Jul, 2009


Owls to Alexandra Greengrass, Beatrice Greengrass, Josephine Greengrass, Rosalind Jugson, Bellatrix Lestrange, Narcissa Malfoy, Madeline Mulciber, Davina Parkinson, Florence Roiser, and any other Society Ladies that join later )

25th Jun, 2009


Who: Evangeline Yaxley, Madeline Mulciber, and a tiny cameo from Leoben Yaxley
What: Eva and Maddy have catty tea times
When: 25 June, 1980
Where: Yaxley Manor, Whitehaven

Status: Complete.
Rating: PG.

I must confess I have been especially eager to speak with you since Monday's unexpected announcement. )

12th Jun, 2009


The Black & Malfoy Wedding

What: The Black and Malfoy Wedding
Where: Leeds Castle in Kent
When: Satuday the 13th of June, beginning in the afternoon, posted one day early
Who: Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy, all of their family, friends, and assorted dates
Rating: PG13? E for Extravagant? L for Looooooove?
Status: OOC Log, in progress

Warning, Image Heavy )

2nd Jun, 2009


A flock of owls!

Owl Post to Bellatrix Lestrange, Narcissa Black, Madeline Mulciber, Davina Parkinson, Florence Rosier, Rosalind Jugson & Alecto Carrow (and of course any female DE supporters that would be in attendance) )

October 2009




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