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Who: Blaise and Luna
When: Lunch time, Friday
Where: diagon
What: random run in | challenge thread
rating: tbd
status: incomplete

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Who: Cho Davies and Luna Lovegood
What: Dressing up Luna like a barbie.
When: Thursday early evening before her date
Where: Cho's house
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Perhaps she'd not look like a ragamuffin on this date )


Who: Marcus Flint & Carmen Runcorn
Where/When: De Luca Housing, Diagon Alley. Wednesday afternoon.
Rating: TBD.
Summary: Marcus is moving in the building.

Marcus was finally ready to move in )


who: blaise and theo
where: their usual pub
when: backdated to friday night, 7pm
what: drinks
rating: tbd
status: incomplete

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open thread: salsa night!

Who: Mandy Brocklehurst and OPEN
What: Salsa Night!
Where: From Spain
When: Around 7pm, Sat. March 26th
Rating: PG, I'd imagine. TBA.
Status: Open & Incomplete.

--- )


WHO Ron and Hermione Weasley.
WHERE Their house & then a restaurant.
WHEN Midweek, one evening after work.
WHAT Ron and Hermione go out to dinner, just the two of them.
STATUS Incomplete.

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WHO Penelope & Oliver Wood.
WHERE The Wood residence in Diagon Circle
WHEN Late Tuesday afternoon after work.
WHAT Penelope has an early birthday present for Oliver.
STATUS Incomplete.

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WHO Hermione Weasley & Angelina Johnson.
WHERE Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.
WHEN One evening last week after work.
WHAT Hermione & Angelina chat for a bit while the kids play in the store.
STATUS Incomplete.
OOC Sorry this is so late!

--- )


WHO Theodore Nott & Azah Demsky
WHERE & WHEN Dem's, a little after lunch time.
WHAT Theodore is hungry. He wants food. Azah makes food.

--- )


Who: Vicky Frobisher and Ginny [Weasley] Potter
What: Two old friends have a catch-up
When: One lunchtime after they've both finished for the day at the station
Where: The wwn network and elsewhere

Choosing to take the stairs, Vicky began to look around for Ginny )

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